Department Of Mysteries

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We had been back to Hogwarts for a few months when Harry had a dream that the dark lord had Sirius.

I tried not to smirk. I knew this was all away for the dark lord to get the prophesy.

We were currently running towards the department of ministries. It was me, Harry, Ron, Neville, Ginny, and loony luna.

We ran into the prophesy room. I knew what I had to do, I had to find the prophesy. I walked to the aisle it was supposed to be in.

I saw it "HARRY" I yelled "this has your name on it" I pointed to it when he came over. He picked it up slowly. "The prophesy" he whispered.

When we didn't find Sirius they realized it was a trap. I felt someone grab me and put a wand to my head.

"I've missed you" I heard Lucius whisper in my ear. "Missed you too, how's Narcissa" I whispered back. "Good she's been on a health kick lately" he said disgusted.

I laughed quietly not wanting to be heard. "I haven't had dessert in a month" he whisper yelled. It took all my will power not to bust out laughing.

"LUCIUS" I heard a familiar voice yell. I smirked "Bella" I mumbled. I felt him nod as he led me to where everyone was.

I looked around Bella had Ginny, Rudolphus had Neville, Dolohov had Ron, Rookwood had Luna, finally Lucius had me.

"We wouldn't want any of your friends hurt would we Potter" Lucius drawled while shoving the wand harder against my head. I glared at him over my shoulder and he lightened up.

"Let them go" Harry growled. "I don't think we will" Bella crackled. I was about to laugh but sensing this Lucius quickly put his hand over my mouth.

Being the annoying person I am, I licked it. He glared at me but didn't move his hand. I smirked and focused back on to the conversation. "Maybe you need a little persuasion" Rudolphus sneered.

He pointed his wand at me. I glared at him and he smirked. Revenge for Christmas he mouthed at me. He said something and sparks flew out of his wand. One hit me in the arm and it hurt.

So I bit Lucius's hand. He grabbed his hand and started cursing. I rubbed the spot on my arm and it had a big blister on it.

"Are you ok Hermione" Harry asked. I nodded, scared if I opened my mouth I might curse out Rudolphus.

I then internally smirk. I wonder if Bella knows about Christmas.

All the sudden curses start flying everywhere. The order is here.

Lucius pushes me on the floor as a curse flys at my head. I get up to help the death eaters but Lucius gives me a look. Telling me I better not blow my cover. I sigh before getting up and hiding behind a fountain.

I was watching everything when all the sudden I felt a sudden pain in my stomach and I blacked out.
I woke up in the hospital wing and looked around. Draco was sitting next to me on a chair asleep.

"Draco" I said my voice came out croaky and weird. He stirred and woke up. He saw I was awake and pulled me into a hug.

He pulled back and looked me "STOP DOING THAT" he yelled. "Doing what" I asked confused. "Stop passing out" he said.

I smiled but stopped when I saw his eyes. "Whats wrong" I asked. His face turned grim. "My dad's in Azkaban" he said. I froze he couldn't be in Azkaban. I just saw him. He was like a second dad to me. But I needed to be there for Draco right now.

"Are you ok" I asked quietly. He shook his head. I got up on wobbly feat and pulled him into a hug. He held on to me tightly and kissed the top of my head.

After a few minutes we pulled apart and I sat back down. "I have to go before dumb and dumber get here" he said before kissing my forehead and walking out.

Not even a minute later Harry and Ron walk in. "You're awake" Ron says happily. I nod still shocked about Lucius.

Harry is quiet and looks sad. "Whats wrong Harry" I ask. He turns around walking out slamming the door behind him. Ron looked at me sadly

"Sirius is dead" he told me. Inside I was happy but on the outside I had to act sad. I put my hand on my mouth and made tears start falling out of my eyes.

"I should go help Harry" he said quietly. I nodded and he left the room. Immediately I made the tears stop.

I realized how tired I was and fell back asleep
I woke up to something poking my face. I looked up to see Blaise poking my face. "What" I snapped. "STOP PASSING OUT" he yelled.

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