With him

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*Disclaimer in first chapter

I stayed in my room for the rest of the night. I didn't eat dinner and I had a suspicion that the dark lord was eating here again.

Hopefully he wouldn't be angry I wasn't there. While I was in my room I wrote the note to Potter and Weasley for my mission.

When I was done with that I realized I didn't have an owl to send it with. I was about to leave my room in search of an owl. When one flew threw my window. It was an unfamiliar owl.

I took off the letter and noticed it was from the dark lord. The owl stayed. It must be waiting for a reply I concluded. I opened the letter.

Dear Miss Zabini,
I am sorry about what your mother did. I missed your presence at dinner. I hope you feel better soon. I also know that you need to finish your letter. So my owl Raven will stay there so you can send your letter.
The Dark Lord

I smiled and attached the letter to Raven's leg and sent her to grimauld place.

I yawned and realized I was really tired. So I laid down and fell asleep.

The next morning when I woke up i decided to go down to breakfast. I got up and got dressed. I also did my hair and brushed my teeth. I didn't need a repeat of yesterday.

I opened my door and went downstairs. When I got down there everybody was already up and eating. They all looked up when I walked in.

"Its good to see you out of your room Hermione" Lucius told me with a smirk. I nodded my head and went and sat down.

Immediately grabbing the coffee. I saw Draco turn to Blaise and say something. Blaise smirked and looked over at me.

"So miss bookworm I always thought you would be a morning person" he joked. I glared at Draco and threw a biscuit at his head. It hit its mark.

Blaise laughed and I smirked and went back to my coffee. I looked at Draco. Uh oh I thought. That's his thinking face.

I quickly excused myself from the table and tried to run upstairs. But an arm caught my waist before I ran. It was Draco.

He pinned my against the wall and did something surprising. He tickled me.

I was crying laughing. "Stop it" I laughed out. "Not until you tell me I'm the most handsome man ever" he told me smirking.

I laughed it out and he stopped tickling me. But he didn't move away from me.

Before I knew it he leaning towards me and I didn't stop him. He kissed me. Suddenly he jumped back.

I looked towards the dining room and I saw Narcissa standing there. She smiled and went back in.

But J swear before she did I heard her say that Lucius owed her 10 galleons.

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