The Twins

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"Fred, George" I yell and hug them. They chuckled "did you miss us" Fred asks.

I laugh "what are you doing here" I inquire. Their eyes darken. "We overheard the order saying your parents were never imperioused" George said.

"Ya, and when we went to confront them. They said it was for the greater good because they were a distraction to you" Fred continues.

"They were a distraction" I seethe. "Hermi-" Fred tries. "My parents were a distraction" I yell.

Now I know they weren't my real parents but they still raised me. Then I remember the rest of the Weasleys were still in Diagon alley. "I am going to kill them" I yell. I try to run but I feel arms wrap around my waist stopping me.

I turn around, its Draco. "Let me kill them" I whine. "You can't you'll fail your mission" he whispers in my ear.

I sigh I know he's right. "Stupid mission" I mumble. I hear Narcissa calling Malfoy manor and going through the floo. Lucius follows after.

Next George goes and then Fred. Finally Blaise goes thru. Its just me and Draco.

"Finally we're alone" he says. I smile. He leans down to kiss me when I hear Narcissa. "Draco Lucius Malfoy get home with Hermione now" she yells.

He backs away and groans. I laugh and go thru the floo. Where everyone was waiting.

"What took so long" George asks with a smirk. "Maybe she was busy George" Fred answers also with a smirk.

"What with" George asks. "I don't know but I did notice Malfoy is also late" Fred says as Draco comes thru the floo.

"So in conclusion" George says. "The two of them were kissing" they both say. Against my will I blush.

"Sadly we were stopped before we could" Draco says with an evil smirk. I glare at him over my shoulder as Fred, George, and Blaise burst out laughing while Lucius and Narcissa walk out of the room shaking there heads.

Before Lucius walks out he yells back at us " give the twins their rooms in the same wing as you two". Me and Draco nod. We lead them up to our wing.

So far it has Draco, Blaise and I. Now we have Fred and George too. We lead them each to there own rooms.

Fred is next door to me and George is next door to Draco. "Ok" Draco says "dinner is at 6 and dress appropriately. And when its time to go down one or all of us will be out here". I look at the clock its 5:30 already. I groan.

"Whats wrong with you" Fred asks. I have half an hour to take a shower and get dressed and ready" i say as I run into my room slamming the door behind me.

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