Waking up

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*disclaimer in first chapter

I woke up with a pounding headache and someone holding my hand. "Please wake up" a familiar voice said. I groaned and opened my eyes. It was Draco holding my hand.

"Sis, you ok" I heard Blaise ask. I groaned in response. "Do you need anything" I heard Narcissa ask. "Something for my head"I said. "I'll go get something" she told me before leaving the room.

As soon as she walked out George walked in. "I got her wa- Mione you're awake" he said before coming over and giving me a hug before slapping me lightly on the back of my head. "Don't ever do the again" he scolded me. "Sorry" I said looking down.

"You better be" he said before sitting down on the chair in the corner of my room. A few seconds later Fred walked in with a plate of food.

He saw I was awake and handed my food to Blaise. Before coming over to me and doing the exact same thing George just did. I rubbed my head and looked up at him.

"I won't do it again ok" I muttered. "Good girl" he said with a smirk. "I'm not a dog" I growled. "You sound like one" Lucius said walking through the door.

He ducked his head as a pillow soared towards him. He chuckled and came over to me. He took the food from Blaise and handed it to me. I took it and began eating when I was done I put the plate on the side table.

Narcissa walked in carrying a potion. She handed it to me "its for your headache" she told me. I quickly took it and drowned it.

She chuckled at me and looked at Lucius. "Where is the dreamless sleep potion" she asked he pulled a vial out of his pocket and handed it to her. I also took that. "Night" Fred told me walking out with George behind him.

I waved at there retreating figures. Lucius and Narcissa left not long after. Blaise followed after them. It was finally just me and Draco sitting there. I was starting to feel really tired. "Hermione I have a question" he said looking at me. I slowly started to drift off to sleep. "Will you be my girlfriend" he asked me.

Even in my sleepy state I knew what he was asking. "Of course" I mumbled before I fell asleep.

Next morning
I woke up with my headache gone and soaking wet. I slowly sat up and looked around my room.

Who ever did it was gone. I quickly dried off and stormed downstairs. "FREDERICK GIDEON WEASLEY" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

I heard 2 pairs of feet racing down the stairs. "GEORGE WEASLEY" I yelled again. I stormed down the stairs after them. Then I stopped and realized how idiotic they were, they left there rooms unoccupied.

I smirked and headed back towards there rooms. I slipped in George's room first. I charmed his room to dump water on him at 2am, 4am, 6am, and 8am. I then went into Fred's room and did the same. I walked out smirking and went to get breakfast.

"What did you do" I heard Narcissa ask as soon as I walked in. The twins were hiding behind Draco and Blaise looking scared. "I have no idea what your talking about" I said with a smirk before I sat down next to Bellatrix.

"What did you do" she asked whispering into my ear. I whispered back what I did and she burst out laughing. The twins looked even more scared and bolted from the room.

I ate with a smile on my face while drinking my coffee. "I have to go" Draco said standing up. "Where" I pouted. "I'm going to Diagon Alley with Blaise and a few others" he told me.

I was suspicious after all we were together. "Who else" I asked. He mumbled an incoherent answer. "What" I asked. "Pansy and Astoria" he said quietly. I instantly stiffened at the sound of her name. "Why" I snapped. "Its a double date" he muttered.

"What" I screeched. "I have too" he said. "Why" I said through gritted teeth. "Its for a mission" he told me. "Fine" I snapped "go have fun on you date"I seethed.

Getting up from the table I stormed up to my room slamming the door behind me.

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