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I walked gracefully down the stairs. Making sure I didn't fall. Draco was standing at the bottom in a suit.

His jaw dropped open when he saw me. "You look beautiful" he says. "Thank you, you look very handsome" I reply.

He grabs my hand and we apparate away from the manor. We land in an alley so we quickly exit. I gasp at where he brought me.

We were in Rome. We walked down the streets holding hands. After an hour of sight seeing we stopped at a restaurant.

It was a small little place and I couldn't pronounce the name. Draco ended up ordering our food. It was delicious.

After we left he apparated us away again. We stopped in Paris. Not only in Paris but on top of the Eiffel tower. The view was amazing.

The lights of the city were twinkling and you could see for miles around. "Hermione I love you so much and I can't believe I never realized it before" he says.

I turned to look at him. "I love you too Draco, I am so glad that we are together now" I reply with a large smile stretched across my face. He pulled me into a hug and twirled me around.

I gigged as we spun. Happy that we were together. He looks down at his watch after he puts me down. "1 minute until midnight" he whispers as he walks closer to me.

We here the countdown start from below. At two we are already kissing.

Slowly we pull apart. Out of breathe but smiling. But of course we can't be lucky enough to just be happy for once.

A spell flys by head and I jump back. I yank my wand out of my purse and face the way the spell came from. Draco had pulled out his wand as well.

Another spell flew past my head. After that Draco stepped in front of me trying to protect me. Then spells started coming from all sides. I blocked as many as I could and Draco blocked the rest.
"Whose attacking us" I yell. "I can't tell" he yells back. Then I hear a thud. I quickly spin around to see Draco on the ground. I quickly drop down and fell his pulse. Its still there he must have been stunned.

I quickly get back up so I'm not hit with a spell. "Stupefy" I hear a voice yell that I know all to well. Arthur Weasley. My eyes widen when I realize if I'm caught my cover will be blown. 

I fight back with twice the ferocity. Spells start to fly out of my wand and towards them. If I could get to Draco's arm I could use his dark mark to call the other Deatheaters. But I can't risk it again.

Im losing ground and I know I can't keep this up to much longer. Just as this thought passes through my mind. I hear someone yell stupefy from behind me. I feel it hit me in the back and as I start to fall to the ground darkness enveloping me. I hear a loud pain filled gasp. Before my eyes roll back in my head and I fall asleep.

Hermione The Death EaterWhere stories live. Discover now