Chapter 2: A Secret

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The new section of field Brielle had to work was torturous. You would think with her father's raised position she would have it easier. But no! She had to start at the beginning. Clear the rocks and sticks from the rows, mulch the soil with all manner of compost, haul water buckets to loosen all the soil that stuck. That took the longest as she remembered. The most strenuous part of the process was taking, bucketful by bucketful, the rocks and sticks the mile or more to the roads. At least she wasn't on the road crew. She'd pick the fields any day over the city's dark, narrow roads.

The sun was high in the sky by the time she had cleared the rubble from her dirt. She hadn't even found anything interesting. She wondered who got her portion of field at her old post. Having to start over from scratch was frustrating when her former rows were high to provide shade. All she had to do was weed it and put the water on. She pushed her rock filled cart along the border of fields already grown high, with a scowl. The cart continually got stuck in ruts and the ground grew damp, sticking mud to her wheels. Finally she reached the road dump, emptying her cart quickly to go back for another load.

And there he was. The man her mother had almost run into that first day in their new apartments. He was riding a horse of all things! She had heard of some who served Zarlo directly getting simple pleasures but this horse was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen. It trotted smoothly along, its neck arched and its legs stepping high. She stopped to watch it draw nearer, the sun dancing along its white coat, muscles rippling, and tail swishing happily. She imagined herself on that beautiful animal riding far away from here to somewhere Zarlo had never touched.

She closed her eyes, just listening to the hoof beats, and letting her imagination take her to shady trees and clean running rivers. But she didn't hear any. He must have stopped and she opened her eyes surprised to find him still coming much closer. Now she looked at the horses hooves, her eyes growing wide with the realization the horse floated a good three inches above the ground-and had no shadow! She stumbled backward knowing this had to be a ghost. The mans clothing she'd seen so many times along with her dreams hit her at once. One of the four, she recognized him, she remembered the man in the hall the night before and how her mother hadn't seem them and she had.

She knew her mouth was hanging open and she forced it closed. She couldn't look away from the rider though. Her gaze seemed to make him nervous. He looked behind him slowing the horse and gave her a perplexed look. She had to say something. She could see the shade of one of the Guardians and if they still wandered the earth it must mean their souls couldn't rest and she had to figure out why and fix it. That was how it worked in all the ghost stories she had ever heard. And she was the one who had the dreams of them. Obviously she was supposed to communicate with them.

He had started to move on and was about 20 feet from her already. She took a deep breath to call after him when a hand closed about her arm. She couldn't help the strangled gasp that came out as she was spun about, expecting the Task Master. Instead there was the smiling face of one of the girls she'd seen in her new building. Giggling from the side of the road revealed the other two girls amongst the corn stalks. Her cheeks grew hot for she knew how odd she must have looked gaping at nothing since it was unlikely these three saw the ghost.

The girl pulled her into the corn stalks before she knew it, the other two stashing the cart. The corn towered above Brielle's head, husks beginning to fill out with the sweet corn. Most of the food grown went to the armies across the sea. Zarlo seemed to want the whole world under his thumb. Why he had to draft humans to fight and not use his demons she didn't know. Finally the girls stopped and turned to her. This spot was about four foot diameter, the corn grown kind of circular around it, a breaking of the rules for sure. Two of the girls started humming an almost eerie tune and the third started to speak.

"Welcome to the Sisters Secret Circle. We have brought you to join in the bond, if you wish." The two continued their odd tune, all eyes were on her. It made her think of the games her friends and she had played calling to spirits from the past. It had never worked. She remembered her rows then.

"Okay. Sure. That'd be great but I have to get to work. Quota you know." The three smiled but didn't let her leave. Introductions were started instead. Requel was the spokesman of the group with her dark hair, skin, and eyes it made her look more mysterious than the other two. Eryn had short blonde hair pulled back, wisps of bangs covering her forehead. She was a head taller than Brielle. Then there was Amber with light brown hair and big eyes in a rounded face. She then had to tell them about herself, what her family's assignments were, and what stage her fields were in. They seemed impressed that her older brother was serving overseas. All she could think was that she'd lost him.

"Now for the very last step to entering the circle." Eryn stooped down and grabbed a handful of dirt from the middle of the clearing. She passed it to Amber, who passed it to Requel, who held it out to her. "You must intake the sweetness of the Sisters Secret Circle." All three were watching her, unblinking. Eryn piped up, "Which means eat it." She knew what they meant but she sure wasn't going to choke down dirt for them.

"I'm not going to eat dirt. If that means I'm not in your circle so be it." She was totally surprised when they all three threw their arms around her. For a brief moment she thought they were going to beat her, then realized it was a hug.

"You are now part of the circle and will be forever more."

"But I didn't pass your test..."

"Well of course you did!" They looked to one another, giggling. When she still didn't understand they explained. "You showed great courage and strength. We would never eat dirt and anybody who would for a place among friends is not one of us. Our group must be courageous to continue what we are. After all, are we not breaking the rules here now? We can't have cowardly flakes in our group or we'd fall apart. Or at least be found out." They linked hands with her into a tight circle and walked the edge of the clearing, starting a chant to the same tune they'd been humming in the beginning.

"As Sisters of the Circle we pledge to secrecy. To guard each others actions, words, and deeds. We share our lives with one another, Never a secret 'tween. As one we are, As one we will always be. Even to the distance of the sea. From Morning to Morning we will be."

They laughed then and started through the corn toward the road. Brielle thought it a funny thing to do but then at least she hadn't had to eat dirt. She now had a close nit group of friends of which she already felt a part of. They retrieved her her cart and she started on the way to her field, regretting the need to leave the shady crops. In a few minutes she was piling rocks in her cart again and starting off. The horseman and her dreams came to mind and she wondered if she should tell her new friends about her ghostly visitors or keep it to herself. She was part of the circle now and the chant did say no secrets between. Yet she felt quite silly talking of ghosts.

She was heading back with her load when the girls appeared with carts and garden claws.

"What are you doing? Your crops are too grown for such." They laughed again, rolling their eyes.

"Weren't you listening, Brielle?" At her silence Requel continued. "We share our lives with one another. We wouldn't let you work all day alone when we can get it done together four times as fast."

"Didn't you wonder at there being no weeds in our rows so early in the day?" Eryn asked, clearly wondering. "You've got to be more observant than that, sister." With that they all zipped off to get the rest of the pile and start hacking at the clods.

A true smile came to Brielle's face. As one we are, As one we will be even to the distance of the sea. This was a good place to be and she was glad to be part of the Sisters Secret Circle.

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