Chapter 40- Sacrifices

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The Guardians had left as soon as the demon was truly and undeniably tangled in the net. Derrel's plan for capturing him had been much better than Nathan's, who could only think of a deep pit which would have been a lot of work and not keep Bryson from using his particular powers. Gideon had agreed and they'd found what they needed in their old home, sadly damaged yet not completely destroyed, three of the hidden storerooms untouched. They'd decided the place to set their trap days ago just the how stalling them. Having Derrel had opened up new possibilities and their plan was now practically fool proof. Nathan glanced at the cat and wondered if Derrel were truly as confident as he seemed.

If cats had as much expression capabilities as humans Derrel could not have hidden his fear as well. The best plan even he could cook up had been to walk in, grab the girl, and get out. He had every confidence the Guardians would get out with Brielle. He was not as confident about himself. They could become insubstantial and include the girl. He was not so lucky. They had tried that night and Gideon had been ready to start over but Derrel had brushed the fact aside. The talisman he carried would not allow the Guardian's magic to touch him but it was the only way and as Bryson had pointed out Brielle was fading fast. So he pretended at confidence he didn't have. He'd always been good at that. He would do the best he could and hope he got out. He hadn't let on to the girls about him and nobody else had either, in fact not telling them anything they didn't need to know for their part. The girls would know by pursuit once they got Brielle out. The Guardians would head around the city, the girls would partway release Bryson and move through the city meeting them on the other side. Gideon would be waiting by the coast with the birds--the only place they could wait in daylight without being spotted immediately. That left Derrel. Gideon had been determined to wait for him but Derrel made it clear no one would wait. He'd take his time and hopefully survive. The Guardians hadn't argued the point though he could tell they didn't like it any more than Gideon but they accepted the necessity. Gideon had had to abandon Bryson and Bryson's fate frankly terrified Derrel but he didn't think if he got caught he'd have a chance of survival even as a slave. Gideon had relented finally since Derrel would not back down.

Now the fortress loomed above them the thick doors their way in. Derrel slipped ahead checking for guards but mostly intent on seeing if Zarlo's power blocked him. That was the only thing that would ruin their plan. He walked through the doors without issue not even a tingle as the elven gates had, magically sealed as they were. He looked for gaurds again but the only demons nearby were at the other end of the long hallway and they seemed to be sleeping. Derrel stuck his head back out, a silent signal and the Guardians jogged up pushing the doors in and immidiatley closing them after the last. It had taken a breaths time but the swift draft had drawn attention. The demons trudged down the hall, three hulking beasts that smelt horid. Their own smell masked the faint odor the ghost cat gave off. If all demons were as potent as these he'd have no issue. He doubted all were but perhaps a faint odor of something else would simply be taken for another demon. He might survive this. The three sank down by the door finding nothing of interest and going back to sleep.

They continued down the long hall, the Guardians knowing the way from previous ventures into the Keep. They kept to the walls and Derrel followed suit wondering briefly why. They passed numerous clumps on their quiet way, some fighting amongst themselves but most bored looking and quiet. Reaching the north halls they turned into a small room, the door standing open yet clearly the guardroom before the dungeon cells began. All the doors were open and Derrel's neck hairs prickled knowing they were walking into a trap. He comforted himself with the thoughts this was THEIR plan and they still had the upperhand. He would be more confident if he weren't the only one who could help Brielle. He could go through doors. They could not.

The demon smell was strong all around them as they quietly walked down the hall. The Guardians walked extremely slowly placing their feet with the utmost care. Derrels soft paws made no noise even on this stone floor, the thick furcovered pads made for soft approaches on dry stone ground. There was very little light and his eyes strained to see ahead, wondering how the Guardians were proceeding with no light. But he followed close at their feet, the walls seeming to close in on him and he realized finally that they were literally surrounded. His fear rose and he instinctively stamped it out, knowing fear in this place was worse than any scuff of boot to reveal their presence. He forced his breathing regular and willed his heart to stop its pounding.

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