Chapter 36- A Cat Out of Place

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The wind whipped around them, chill despite the flying jackets they'd each been given. The only warm parts were their rears the warmth from the birds beneath them providing a bit of heat. Eryn sat on her hands slightly jealous of Amber who had Tremors snuggled over her lap, her hands nestled in his fur. The cat didn't seem to mind flying at all in fact Eryn was sure if he hadn't been tied down he'd be climbing all over the bird. They'd been flying for hours. It had been exciting and scary for the first little while but now she sound it was just cold. She'd run out of things to talk about with her pilot, not to mention hearing his reply was a bit difficult with the wind. She did know they were almost there. He had pointed out the darker line on the dark water below a while ago that was their country. They would be landing in the city on the East Side. Then it was all a matter of finding Nathan. Russel was confident they'd find him quickly. Thomas thought they'd probably be too late. Sometimes his attitude was extremely discouraging.

The dark grew and grew till they started flying over tall buildings. They flew high enough that no one- and nothing- could see them from the ground.

"Here we are. We'll be landing now. Need to be very quiet." Eryn nodded and the elf signaled to the bird for their descent. The bird tilted and they circled one after the other in a long spiral toward the big roof below. Probably a factory roof.

The landing was graceful ending in a few hops to absorb their momentum the big wings folding in against their bodies. The others landed one after the other and straps were undone to release passengers. Eryn looked over their little group, adrenaline starting to pump through her as she turned to survey the buildings around her. It was so much different from the open beauty across the sea. It was all grey here. The air was stirred violently around them as the cliff dwelling birds and their riders disappeared up into the black sky. The tiniest bit of light shown on the eastern horizon and they knew the city was coming to life with workers moving to their jobs.

"Well what now?" Tremors sneezed and shook his fur, trotting over to the edge of the roof looking toward the dark towers far northeast. He looked back at them cocking his head. Russel shook his head.

"First we need to find Nathan. He isn't that far, a bit south of here. If we go now we'll blend into the workforce." He straightened the dirty tunic, oversized on him to hide his leather jerkin. They all agreed and took the stairs into the dark building. A few lights on the lower level had been ignited and they tried to leave inconspicuously as a few women moved about the tables lighting lamps. If they noticed the little group leaving they didn't comment on it. Soon they were moving through the streets. Though moving away from the factories no one cared where they went. Dressed in the dirty less than perfect clothing, no one took special notice of them. Tremors stayed right with them hugging Ambers legs. She knew the people around them couldn't see the cat and again wondered how she could. Not even her friends seemed able. The Guardians had opted out of invisibility wanting to keep the girls close.

They started recognizing a few people from their old building. No one recognized them even when they caught their eyes. After being among a people who were so free and happy it was terribly eye-opening to see the despair that tormented their own so thoroughly. It was written in the stooped shoulders, downcast eyes, and their lack of interest in any of their surroundings. The tall buildings surrounding them no longer seemed normal. The buildings loomed over them, shading the light, making their journey grey and sad. Tremors was looking about constantly, his ears pinned back. It was obvious the cat didn't like the tall manmade structures all around him. Amber thought of all she'd read of the Desert of Tash. The few cities were built low to the ground sometimes underground. Only one large city was known of within the desert but it had nothing like the buildings here. A double story was rare and five floors simply unheard of. Other than the few civilizations it was nothing but rolling dunes, a few rocky outcrops here and there all the way to the coast. She thought the cat must feel even more horrible than she. How could they have lived here amid all this sadness and never recognized it?

The streets lightened further and seen people were becoming less frequent. They had to hurry. Just as she had the thought the men turned into a building heading to the upper floors.

Requel and Eryn looked even more down than Amber felt.

"It's even more dark in here! How could we have lived like this?!"

"And never noticed."

Tremors made a short chirp and trotted quickly ahead of everyone almost tripping Thomas in the process. He cursed at the cat who ignored him looking in doorways along the hall.

"That's an easy answer. You never knew anything different. Lucky for you all you got past the fear of the unknown and recognized it was good. Lets hurry. Nathan is just above us." Tremors disappeared up the stairs and they all hurried to follow him. When they got out of the narrow stairwell the hall above was lit with a strange glow. They all stopped short as they saw Tremors jumping about at a small green ball of light further along the hall. The glowing ball darted into a room lit by a window inside. The cat followed. They quickened their pace as they heard laughter. Light happy laughter. Then Nathan appeared in the doorway his smile wide and welcoming.

"Here I thought Brielle had finally got rid of you but here you are!" The girls couldn't help but hug him as relief flooded over them. They weren't too late. Now they would save Brielle and free their people. After everyone had been welcomed and many pats on the back were exchanged they all went in the room where Tremors was lying under the window the small green creature resting between his ears. Another man sat against the wall smiling at the new group.

"Let me introduce you all. This is Gideon Sonders. Gideon these are Brielle's friends Requel, Amber, and Eryn and my long time companions in the Force Skyler, Russel and Thomas." Gideon stood resting on one leg and bowed slightly to them.

"Welcome to our daytime haunt. Make yourselves at home." Everyone shook hands and Eryn looked him over closely.

"What happened to your leg?" Gideon lost that little half smile and glared at Nathan who looked elsewhere hiding his smile.

"It was all for the good. Now we have more help and maybe we'll pull this through."

"Uh huh. Next time you can get your leg chewed by a demon and I'll stand there watching." Nathan sighed and smiled at them.

"He's not as bad as he seems. He just has a head ache." They all settled down on the floor. Looking around, the room was identical to their old homes. Three people lived here the only was to tell was the hygiene equipment present on the hanging shelf. The girls lost interest quickly after the story of what had happened after they left ended and the men started talking about everyday city events. All old news- or everyday news- to them. Gideon must have thought so too for he was asleep against the wall. They turned their attention to the small creature perched on Tremors head. The small fuzzy ball had eight tiny wings. That was the only feature they could make out other than a completely fur covered round body. They all finally fell asleep against the wall listening to the Guardians talking.

Tremors rose silently and left the room, the small fraul leaving him to stay with Gideon. He went to the roof, walking the guardrail in the sunlight. This was just as he thought it would be. Boring and uncomfortable. Seeing Gideon was a plus, might've been better if his friend weren't sick and he not under cover. He toyed with the idea of letting the girls know but it was so much nicer not to have to entertain or be expected anything from. He sat on the rail looking east at the murky scene of dark towers where nothing grew nearby. He studied it best he could from this distance and wondered how they could get a person out without getting caught themselves.

He jumped from the wall and headed inside. Enough catching up talk. It was time to plan. They needed particulars about the place and though he hated to admit it, he was looking forward to this challenge.

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