Chapter 33: Decision

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The sun slowly abandoned his chosen napping area and he stretched out across the rug trying to wake up. Being awake all night was fine if one had nothing to do the next day. Now he needed to find out what was going on and what the plan was. He padded down the hall keeping invisible only having to dodge one servant who had no idea he was there. He thought to try the dining hall they'd been in that morning and quickly slipped inside. Requel was there with the three Guardians and Redrick though Amber and Eryn were missing. They were picking at small sandwiches discussing the journey.

He jumped up on the table near the sandwiches intent on lunch. Redrick cleared his throat scowling slightly at him. Derrel rolled his eyes and jumped onto a chair dropping his invisibility. Redrick always insisted on table manners. Derrel's philosophy was different: what no one knew wouldn't hurt. It wasn't as if he were all that dirty. He got slight notice from the Guardians but Requel was by his side almost instantaneous. She started stroking his head.

"So there you are. Now we just need to find Derrel." She wasn't paying any attention to the hints he made at the sandwiches but continued to stroke him. At least the Guardians seemed to have kept his secret.

"Royer says you can leave at dusk and you'll arrive after dark tomorrow. Getting there is no problem. They are experienced riders going with you. They have landed plenty of times unseen to pick up information from numerous spies."

"Won't be a problem finding Nathan. IF he's still free." Thomas, ever the pesimist, still didn't trust that Redrick knew what he was talking about. Skyler rolled his eyes picking up a sandwich to give to a frustrated Tremors who looked to be struggling not to bite Requel.

"We can stay hidden with no problem but the girls can't. Any idea if they are still being searched for?" Requel cut in, scowling.

"If you're still trying to find a way to make us stay, forget it. We're going." At that moment the door opened admitting a cluster of shabby looking men with Royer in their midst. They parted as the doors shut behind them to reveal Eryn and Amber looking as illkept as the men. "Best disguise there is. Even if we're still being searched for- which I doubt- nobody will notice us amongst everybody else." The girls looked smugly at the three Guardians who looked somewhat disappointed especially when Royer agreed with them.

"They'll be as safe as any of our spies and only two have ever been caught." He turned the discussion then to the birds introducing the men going to be flying with them. They would be doubled up on the birds as they were ofttimes very particular about who lead them. At the moment there was nothing to do but wait. The hall pretty much cleared all but Royer and Redrick leaving, the girls determined to locate Derrel. The Guardians looked amused but said nothing. Derrel, still hungry, abandoned table manners climbing up to the plate and taking another sandwich.

"Are you going with them Derrel?" He looked up at Royer annoyed at the question. Fact was he didn't know. Part of him wanted to, the other part wanted nothing better than to retreat to the marsh and let the world destroy itself. Royer cleared his throat. "Just wanted to know how many to count on... you could be very helpful to them you know. Perhaps the difference between success and failure." Derrel licked his lips and jumped from the table sauntering through the door and out of sight.

"He'll go with them." Royer looked at Redrick's calm face, so sure of the Tashian. He for one wasn't sure at all.

"You've said that before but how are you so certain? That didn't seem like a yes to me." Redrick stared into space a minute before looking again at Royer.

"He doesn't know what he wants anymore. His world has crumbled and he's afraid to build again. But you'll see. He'll be there tonight." Royer nodded. The mage knew Derrel better than he thought anyone could. So they would plan on seven.

The girls searched everywhere, turned every stone, looking for the illusive Tashian but to no avail. He didn't even show at dinner. Tremors was nowhere to be found either. Though Redrick gave assurances they all wondered if he hadn't headed back to the marshes without even saying goodbye. Or hello for that matter. The sun was very low when they all met at the bottom of the trail. It was a two and a half hour trek on foot but the elves had saddled large surefooted goat-like creatures to cut the time.

Amber looked back numerous times hoping to see Derrel. She tried to convince herself it didn't matter but her heart was sore. She thought she might love him. She thought about Eryn and how disappointed she'd been when there had been no sign of Sherman Natale. But it didn't seem to affect her mood any now. Amber had wanted to see him again if nothing else. Wanted to see the smile in his eyes, hear the approval in his voice.

There was no telling what would happen now. They were heading back home. Into the dragons lair so to speak. If they found Nathan in time they may be able to rescue Brielle. But if his attempt failed she had the horrible feeling Brielle would be dead before any further attempt could be made.

Royer led the group up the cliffside along the thin track pointing out this or that on either side. The beasts picked their own way, quite familiar with the terrain and what was expected of them. Eryn couldn't quite convince herself to look out over the edge even if the lights in the village did look cool. She didn't know how she was going to fly on those birds if she couldn't even bear to look over a cliff edge. They'd be flying much higher than this. Redrick had said his goodbyes below claiming an intense fear of heights. Probably he couldn't bear to be asked even once more to go with them.

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