Chapter 34: A Mouthful of Rice

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The door clanked open letting in sound and new air. It was rank with the stench of many demons but Brielle had gotten used to it. It was almost a relief to have any smell, anything to assail her senses. It was gone all too quick as the door was shut behind the demon, a new one taking its place. She knew them now. She also knew Bryson here had food and water. The only sustenance she had received had come from Bryson. She didn't think he was supposed to be feeding her for he always seemed nervous till the offerings were gone. It wasn't enough though. She's lost a lot of weight and her mother was nothing but bones with skin draped over them. Bryson opened the cage now, scooping up the squirrel and shuffling over to her space. Brielle wasn't sure but she thought the demon cared more about the squirrel than her.

Brielle hugged the squirrel gently. Bryson clicked his claws impatiently on the stones till they scooted closer to him. Brielle still got a little sick thinking about what he brought. The demon spat out the mouthful of rice and a clump of soggy bread. It wasn't much really. Only what he could shove into his cheeks. She wondered why he brought them anything at all. It only seemed to prolong the inevitable. Zarlo had not paid one ounce of attention to her since depositing her here. Brielle had asked Bryson again what was going on out there not expecting an answer. They never spoke to her and only made short rough comments to one another once in a while in passing, how she had learned their names. Telling them apart was another thing. She knew Bryson from his eyes, those bright blue, too human eyes. The others each had brown eyes but the tone of their voices were different. Today though Bryson seemed much more willing to talk. His voice startled her.

"The master is losing patience." He chuckled sounding a little crazed.

"How do you know that? What does it mean?" His chuckles ceased.

"When he gets frustrated he storms around the hills. Then he storms around us. I dare say if your friends wait to rescue you much longer Zarlo will win the war for you!" His laughter echoed around the room. He had to bury his face in his claws, tenticles wrapping around his face to quiet himself. Even then it still lightened the room, peeling back some of that dark tar. Brielle couldn't help but smile. Sometimes she tried to force a laugh but it didn't have the same power as Bryson's. She wondered why a demons laughter would chase the dark away. Her smile faded.

"No one is coming to rescue me. They would have no chance against so many and Nathan HAS to stay away. He just has to." Bryson quieted.

"Darkness got to you, eh?" She looked at him or at least his eyes which glowed faintly against the dark. "You give in to it girl and you are right. No one will be able to help you. You will be lost. That is why you are here. He likes to break a spirit." He shuffled away to sit by the door turning away from her. She hugged Laura close and tried not to thing about that would happen if Nathan came. He'd be caught no doubt. Then Zarlo would have the last stone and he'd break the last seals on the demon prison. There would be no hope for anyone then. And it was her fault. She had let herself be caught and now everyone would pay the price.

The dark and silence closed around her and she shivered. Not because she was cold just for the despair that filled her entirely. Not even her mother's soft nuzzling could peel it back. And then she knew what Bryson had meant. If she gave up, if she thought it was impossible, then that's how it would be! Morvin had said time and again that the inner magic was more potent than any other kind. He'd also said she had more than most mages even of old. She had to think positive! She had to employ that inner magic to help her friends. It was something that could not be taken away. It came from inside. She smiled- a real smile this time.

"I understand." Bryson chuckled quietly and Brielle wondered what his story was, why he was helping. She might have fallen into the dark already had he not said something. But now she knew and she would do her very best to lend whatever she could to her friends and those who depended on her. She gave a satisfied sigh hugging her mother close receiving a reassuring pat in return. She could probably fix her mother once they were out of here. There wasn't enough food for two humans, hardly enough for them as they were. But soon they'd be out. Soon. And then they would work together to get rid of Zarlo and his followers once and for all. Except maybe Bryson. She giggle and closed her eyes relishing her newfound joy.

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