Chapter 32: A Kick

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Dawn was slow in arriving and Derrel lay amongst the soft blankets, content to stay there as his breath misted before him. Out of the three inns in town they had to pick the one with no heating. He could build a fire in the small fireplace but that would require getting up into the cold. The place looked seldom used and there wasn't much ready wood either. He opted to stay in the rough warm blankets and wait it out. He had no idea what the Guardians had decided. He had said dawn. Or had he said sunrise? He sighed irritably. No sense lying around when he could hear the kitchen up and moving. It would be warm there too. He threw the blankets off quickly and pulled on his tunic, strapping the knives back to his arms and pulling his sleeves over them. A quick hand through his hair and he went down to the kitchen. Compared to the rest of the building it felt like noon in the desert. He pirated a hot bread roll and snitched a slice of bacon before a likable old cook chased him out.

Then he waited at the bar for the serving girl to bring him breakfast. No one else was in the lobby and he let his mind drift till the door opened admitting his breakfast in the arms of a pretty young woman who smiled brightly at him. It wasn't everyone who wore a genuine smile before the sun rose. She set the steaming plate before him and left with another smile. He had just started on the eggs when the outside door admitted the three Guardians who looked quite perturbed. They surrounded him in an instant. Maybe sunrise was not the term he'd used. It still hadn't shown over the trees in the east. Maybe their definitions were different than his. In any case they weren't happy.

"Thought you said dawn." Their appointed spokesman was Russel . He would have thought Thomas would have the honor but he seemed to be holding his tongue –with great difficulty. He decided the best answer to that would be a shrug. "It's kind of important that we get there, is it not?" Derrel took his time swallowing. This one had patience. He'd rather anger and yelling. He'd be comfortable ignoring that. He couldn't rightfully ignore such calm questions. So his breakfast was interrupted.

"I always forget I am not a morning person." He turned back to his plate. "Besides, we can cut across the plains and knock off a day or so. We will get there in plenty of time." The three exchanged looks and pulled more stools over to the bar. Then they sat staring at him. Impatient old vultures. Now his breakfast was completely ruined. He pushed the plate away and let them follow him to the door.

Their horses were saddled and waiting with a couple scrawny lads and Derrel sent them for his horse as the Guardians took their reigns. The boys returned quickly with his horse saddled and ready. He rewarded each with a coin. Perhaps they'd even get to keep them since the innkeeper wasn't awake yet to his knowledge. He took his new companions up the road away from town then north when he judged the time was right.

They traveled mostly in silence, Thomas brooding, the other two making occasional comments to each other. Derrel let the horse pick its own way over the uneven ground without too much guidance. He kept them moving north through the day only stopping for a brief lunch and stretch of legs. The horses tired soon after midday but he kept them moving till the sun was low in the west. Tomorrow would bring them in sight of the war and he hoped they'd be behind friendly lines and not the enemy's. And hopefully they weren't spotted by either. He hated the thought of being roped into service. They couldn't keep HIM of course but it was still an annoyance. He didn't think it would go as well for his companions but that didn't worry him either.

He let his companions set up what camp they would while he brushed his horse very slowly and thoroughly. He could see this was bothering Thomas incredibly who had long since cared for the other three. It was even more amusing than annoying Jefferey had been. The other two weren't bothered in the least. He knew something else that would infuriate the man and while Thomas was turned away he slipped into the undergrowth. He wasn't going to collect brush or sticks or help with canvas. He didn't think it would rain and he knew a good night for hunting when he saw it. Lots of small creatures would be out along with wolves and other predators. As long as he didn't take what they wanted he wouldn't be bothered. There was a slight breeze from the west and he headed that way hoping for something new and delicious to cross his path.

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