Chapter 39- Catching a Demon

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The girls rested, watching the sky darken and waiting for the Guardians to return. Gideon was asleep against the wall and Tremors trotted around the roof swatting at the tiny flies that surrounded them. The girls had been pulling a string around for him but his energy seemed endless. Only when the flies disappeared with the night did the cat curl up next to them and sleep. The Guardians returned a short time later and they all set out to the designated area of their trap. Gideon would lure the demon there, who was supposedly a friend of his, and get information from him then they'd spring their trap. Gideons friend wouldn't be involved in the fight and couldn't warn anyone if the girls kept him tied.

They had to move carefully and quietly to avoid the roaming demons. The Guardians kept watch two ahead and two behind, Gideon and the women accompanied by Tremors in the middle. A few times they were turned about or taken down different streets to avoid the hunters but they eventually made it out of the city. An old dead tree beside a pile of large boulders was where they finally stopped and the small green fraul sped away toward Zarlo's Keep intent on finding Sonders demon friend. The Guardians disappeared and Tremors climbed the dead tree perching himself comfortably on a limb. The girls sat nervously next to Gideon. He said his friend wouldn't think anything of them. His companions were not so confident. If they had to spring their trap early they wouldn't get the information they needed.

It wasn't too much longer till the slight scrape of claws was heard and the one they'd waited for wandered into view. The girls hearts pounded hard even as the demon stopped, staring at them. His eyes were a startling blue immediately reminding them of Derrel. The demon stayed where he was glancing about nervously as Gideon stood up smiling and calling to him.

"Don't worry. These are friends of the girl. They promise to do something for me if I'd give them proof she was okay. They agreed this would suffice since its kindof impossible to actually show—"

"You are talking too fast Gideon Sonders. What is going on?" The demon didn't move forward, was too far way for the trap to be sprung. Gideon gave an exagerated sigh.

"I'm just a bit nervous is all. This is important and they won't negotiate without yer word—"

"This is about the girl, is it not? These three are involved. They disappeared the same time she did. The Questioners had a time with their parents," he smirked showing half a long incisor. "It is my job to report this. But I will not." He turned his face away muttering quietly again, "I will not." Gideon let out a huge breath.

"You're the best, Bryson." At that time Tremors jumped from the tree, trotting toward the demon tail high making small chirping sounds. The demons smirk grew to a toothy smile as he rose, emiting a stream of words they couldn't understand. Amber started forward worried for the brash cat. Sonders caught her arm shaking his head when she glared at him. She was confused but followed the silent command staying still. The ghost cat stopped a few feet from Bryson ears pricked at the demons words. Amber had heard some of the words from Derrel when he'd talked to himself and she wondered how this demon had learned the Tashian language.

Derrel listened quietly to Bryson's greeting, could tell he was more nervous of what he might thing of him than about the girls and Sonders. He didn't like being a part of this deception. Bryson had neen a good friend through childhood and training. They had parted ways, their lives taking Bryson to the trail and Derrel into military service, meeting again when Derrel left the desert for the last time. Seeing Bryson this way he thought he understood the shock Bryson had shown at his own little Shifting. Derrel could overlook this easier he thought than Bryson. He moved those last few feet forward to put a paw on Brysons shoulder as he turned his face away. Derrel knew that gesture wouldn't be enough and kept his voice as low as possible.

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