Chapter 5: Words

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"Oh, Brielle! That sounds just beautiful!" Amber had been excited about all the beauty in the field, washed with moonlight while Eryn, as expected, had to hear about the dress and the hair over and over. Only Requel seemed to keep her head. Yes, she wished she could see it but she had kept bringing up the old man. As soon as Requel took a breath Brielle knew what she was going to say.

"But what could the old man be talking about? Ready for what? Somehow we just have to figure out what and I betcha anything it has to do with the ghosts." This time it seemed she must have gotten through the others enchantment.

"I guess the only way to know is to wait." Amber shrugged and tapped on the rock with her piece of chalk, a little reminder that Eryn and Requel were supposed to be practicing their letters.

"That's not the only way! Brielle's dreams of the Guardians always have the old man. I think we can safely say he's a mage. How else would he get into Brielle's dreams? So we just have to ask the Guardians." Eryn smiled finishing an elegant loop on her y. Requel rolled her eyes.

"That's what I've been saying!"

"So let's make that board. We got all the stuff. Well, except the Guardian." They looked to Brielle for confirmation.

"He was in the food court. He even waved. But..." Brielle didn't know if she could say what she was thinking. It was rather embarrassing.

"But what?" Leave it to Eryn to say something just at the right moment. Brielle took a breath. They'd understand.

"I'm sort of afraid." They looked at her with those blank faces and she knew she had to explain. "I wasn't so afraid when they thought I couldn't see them. But now... well...they act as though they know something about me that I don't. They know what's going on while I'm left in the dark. Oh I don't know. I wish I knew more."

"Brielle, that's why we're trying to talk with them, to relieve the mystery. It'll be okay. Ghosts can't do anything to you."

"No, ghosts can't. But they're not ghosts. I touched the white horse." Confused looks answered her.

"I thought it was gold..."

"No, no. You remember when you kissed Sherman, Eryn? I wasn't paying attention cause I was petting the horse. And the Guardian looked so pleased that... They're not ghosts. Somehow they're real, alive, I can feel them. Maybe that's why I'm scared." There was silence for a while then they got excited.

"This is amazing!"

"Real Guardians!"

"Do you suppose they can do magic?"

"Heck! Of course they can! That's why we can't see them!"

"Why can you see them Brielle?"

"She must be able to do magic! That's why the mage visits her!"

"NO!" They all went silent. "I can't do magic! They kill anyone who even hints at being able to! What am I gonna do?"

"Oh, Brielle! We didn't even think about that!"

"Now, now. Nothing's proven yet. Aside from seeing the Guardians, there's nothing weird about you. Just calm down." Amber got up and looked out into the hall. There was some laughter further down but mostly snores. Adults thought any extra time must be for sleeping. "We have to keep quiet about this. Even a whisper coming to the wrong person could be fatal."

"Alright, so let's get busy!" Requel took over now. "Brielle you stand watch. If you see the Guardians invite them in. Eryn let's get the alphabet going on these stones and Amber you make sure we do it right."

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