Chapter 17: Escape?

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Zarlo entered through the scorched opening he had made. Others followed him closely, howling with their excitement. There were many other openings along the Way but he knew it was the end one he wanted. He could feel it now so close. The other three stones resonated with the power. Some of the creatures that served him broke out in front. He didn't stop them. They knew what was expected of them and they would not disobey him. He didn't blame their excitement.

There was no other way out he was sure. They were trapped. He had them. And he was going to enjoy these next few minutes. The room they entered was distastefully bright and clean but the Others would soon take care of that. He motioned the Others into the room signaling the start before an explosion overhead sent him sprawling. On the ground four Others dead weight held him down. He could hear the frenzy start as some must have spotted the enemy.

He shoved the bodies away getting up and looking toward the commotion. Two Guardians stood in a doorway, their swords drawn yet not a single demon reaching them as the room about him started exploding. A small smile reached his lips. They would try but this time he would be the victor and they would die. He gathered his magic about him concentrating on the single point. A movement from the other hallway brought his attention around. The stones in his possession were buzzing madly sensing their last only a few feet away. The girls stood there terror in their eyes. He had the satisfaction of seeing fear in one Guardian's face. But it was the other that infuriated him.

He stood there in the center of the hallway blocking the way to the girls, not a drop of fear in him. The Deeden remembered that one clearly, had felt his presence so often and had not been able to do anything about it. Well now he would. Picking his way carefully through the rubble and bodies he approached them. Closer and closer he could feel the others fear growing but that one, that one refused to budge, refused to let in to his fear. He had to be afraid. Impossible not to be and yet... that lack started a doubt at the back of his mind. Why was there no fear? No anger? Nothing. Not even anticipation! It was an insult.

He stopped just out of reach of Nathan's blade. If Nathan wanted to kill him he'd have to come out of the protective hall leaving him open on all sides. Now was the game of nerves, which would move first? His experience of humans told him it wouldn't be too long.

Brielle couldn't stand the waiting. She could feel Zarlo's eyes on her. He recognized her she knew. He was waiting for Nathan to make a mistake. Demons darted in and out, most of them falling to either Nathan or Skyler's blades. Most had turned away from Russel and Thomas, preferring to watch this match. Nathan showed no intention of moving and she realized this could last a long while. Not that she wanted him to but she wished Zarlo would stop just standing there staring at her.

Brielle, take the other girls down to the back room. You don't need to be here. Brielle looked up questioningly. None of the others had seemed to have heard. Or they were too scared to move. Yet it had been Nathan's voice. Or had it? She looked Zarlo. Not even the red light touched him. He was as black a shadow as he had been down in the street only more menacing now that she was only yards away. She looked in Nathan's direction and noticed him looking at her from the corner of his eye. That half smile appeared. Go. It'll make him move. I'm ready.

Brielle breathed deep and took a step back pulling Requel's arm. They didn't turn but kept backing away. The door was only a few more steps. She had no idea what they would do then but maybe nothing. Maybe this was just a distraction like Nathan said, to make Zarlo move. She felt him watching. Perhaps the waiting WAS over.

Zarlo had no idea what the girl was up to. He had seen the exchange between them. He didn't think anyone else would have noticed. Living his life watching his back constantly he had learned all the silent signals there were. What was in that back room? The Guardian was so confident. The girl was less afraid. Was there a way out? He had to know. He'd lost this game. He brought his power to bear quickly and struck the wall sending shudders all through the stonework. Just as he'd expected the weakened walls collapsed throughout the hall. The dust hid the humans from him and he brought up his staff again to clear it. He smiled in complete satisfaction. The rubble was deep where the Guardians had stood and the four girls were in complete view at the end of the hall. He savored the moment the girls realized nothing was protecting them.

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