Chapter 26: Fate

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Redrick Fields followed the map closely, cutting across country when he could, trying to catch up. He swapped horses when one would tire and continued through the night till he was exhausted. Then he would sleep for a few hours and start out again. He was two days behind, having stayed in town to do a small exploration. He had found the three Guardians in a small fishing town on the coast. It had not been hit by the enemy troops because of its position. The rocks in the water and the ferocity of the oceans waves made traversing it hazardous in anything larger than a small fishing craft. Since it hadn't posed a threat it was largely ignored. Redrick figured they were trying to find a seaworthy boat to get back home.

And that was the right thing to do. But his gut said the girls were needed. He had only met them briefly but they had a link that was strong. Magical. And they were headed the wrong way. Fate wouldn't let the men find a boat without the girls. Or perhaps a boat was not what was needed. There were other ways. The elves could help. There was only a handful of refugees left. They'd come over long ago when their race had died in the demon wars. They hadn't made a good come back and he sorrowed over that.

Mostly he regretted the loss of untainted magic. The few magical relics he had collected over the years Derrel had wanted to throw out in the swamp. He wouldn't get past his people's fear and loathing. He denied enjoying his talisman continually calling the gift a curse. Yet he used it just as all Tashians would make use of anything they disliked. They even imported dangerous snakes into their cities to get rid of unwanted rodents and venomous spiders. He liked Derrel even with his faults. The man had chosen to live when others would have died rather than accept exile. Though on that count he wasn't sure it wasn't self inflicted exile.

The map showed the road looping around the mountain but there was a seldom used pass over it. Usually it would be impassible but this was the peak of summer and if he took it he could get in front of them. If they didn't leave the road. He dug in the small bag taking out the decide-a-cube. He told it the choices and tossed it in the air. It spun as if caught in a breeze landing to the side of the road. He retrieved it and took the horses down the overgrown trail toward the pass. At the moment his quarry was planning on the road. If they changed their minds he wouldn't know except by the map he had connected to the medallion he'd given Derrel.

He chuckled thinking of Derrel's reaction upon finding him in front of them. Derrel hated it when he used magic to get the drop on him.

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