Chapter 31: Rats

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Thomas stumbled into the inns stable looking about out of habit. No danger here in this shabby little town. You would think in a village such as this someone would take five hundred gold for their boat. But not a single regular would even hire their boat out. Wait for the sea fishers to come back they all said. Every boat was perfectly sea worthy. Distrustful peasants! He tossed the empty bottle near a stack of hay earning himself a hiss from a cat hunting mice around there.

"Oh go catch a fish." He swayed a bit reaching his black's stall where the horse smelled him, sneezed, and moved away. "Well you don't smell good either ya hairy..." He lost his insult and looked around to find it. Not finding it he sat against the stall door leaned back and closed his eyes.

"He shmells a lot bette den doo. Und doo could bathe if doo hat a mint to. Or at least shtop drinking dat toxic shludge." Thomas looked around for the speaker but the stable was empty aside from himself and the horses. Maybe they could talk and the Guardians just never asked their opinions before. So why not talk to the creatures? They at least deserved acknowledgement.

"We are stuck here in this... town... waiting for a bunch of scruffy old men with their tubs to come back. What better way to waste time than drink and avoid fish? I never did like fish." He studied each of their horses waiting for an answer. The voice came from above him.

"Fereigners . Do vill not find any fishermen villing to shell his livelihood to doo eider. Beshides de girls dishcovered a much fashter metod and are vaiting at Geniva Cliffs fer doo." He looked up into the cats bright blue eyes wondering if he hadn't had a bit too much to drink. Finally. No sense in wasting his escape. Enjoy it for the moment.

"The cat talks. Does it dance too? That would be comical." He wished he had another bottle.

"Hmmm. Shorry to disappoint your pickled brain. I do not dance. I do tear troats out dough if dat would interest you." Thomas had never been threatened by his hallucinations before. Some small part of him knew he was in danger. Yet the only point of uncertainty here seemed his illusionary cat. It was rather large. Come to think of it, it was like no cat he'd seen before. He didn't think his mind was that creative even drunk. And he was beginning to feel quite sober again. "Sho now dat ve ave shraightened doo out a little vill doo get yer shenshible shober friends? Dere is radder limited time." He wasn't sure if he should move. The cats ears were still pinned back, tail swishing this way and that. That cat looked to be getting impatient.

He got up watching the cat as he backed to the door. He fumbled with the latch finally letting himself out into the dark. Derrel watched him go annoyedly. A few cups of ale was one thing, drowning yourself in liquor was quite another. He jumped from the hay changing mid leap and picked up his leather work. He had to stop letting himself get distracted. Rats were abundant in this place and he had to stop going after every one of them. He doubted the other two would come to investigate their friends talking cat. He'd watched the man drink all evening. He certainly could hold his liquor. It wouldn't surprise him if magic were involved in that. He himself had a hard tine getting drunk. Much to his dismay at times.

He heard footsteps and voices soon after he'd finished the strap. He debated changing again and hiding but dropped the idea recognizing the voice. They had more faith in their friend than he'd thought. Or maybe they'd gotten sick of his raving. Either way his period of rest was over. He'd put it to them and hurry their decision by leaving at first light.

"I swear it! You'll see!" The door jerked open and Thomas started searching the ground and hay stacks without one look at him. The other two stood with arms folded looking rather annoyed. Derrel figured his latter guess was true. Thomas was now poking about in the straw with a pitchfork grumbling the while. The other two had spotted him and now looked rather embarrassed.

"He uh... lost something is all." The tall one shrugged, holding his arms out in a defeated manner. Derrel let out a short laugh.

"Lost a cat. It is not uncommon. Especially when hunting THOSE cats." They looked suspiciously at him and he tried to reassure them. "I was here for their – conversation. I thought it was entertaining."

"Entertaining!" Thomas looked about ready to explode. "It was not entertaining! It was telling lies! And it'll pay, the girls went with Jeffrey and are perfectly safe!" Derrel was surprised. He wasn't trying to prove the talking cat existed but prove its words. This might be easier than he'd expected. He decided introductions was the best step now.

"My name is Derrel Draheim." He offered his hand to the two men who took it, introducing themselves and their distracted friend who was now inspecting the stalls. "You will not find any cat and I have something to say." He motioned to Thomas who gave him a look and continued his search. The other two looked suspiciously at him again. He sighed. Negotiation was never his strength and living alone in the woods hadn't helped his people skills any. So he'd put it to them straight and force their decision.

The explanation was short and to the point. And he was met with more and more disbelief.

"That's what the cat said! I told you!" Thomas' anger was toward his companions who ignored him.

"How could Jeffery have done this?" Skyler looked up at him. "How do we know you tell the truth?"

"You do not. You either care enough for your friends to investigate or you do not. Frustrating eh? But I am just the messenger. If you are coming, be in the saddle at dawn." He opened the door to leave and looked back at them. "There was a cat. Even spoke." He grinned and closed the door behind him. He could hear them arguing directly after he shut the door, led by Thomas. He shrugged and walked to the inviting warmth of the Inn. They would either show or they wouldn't. Everyone would no doubt be upset if he showed up alone but there was little he could actually do. He passed quietly up the stairs to his room. He was looking forward to a soft bed. Muscles he hadn't used in a long time had been crying out to him since Aaronsville. Such drawbacks to being human. Next time Redrick planned an adventure he'd tag along as a pet. If he went at all.

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