Chapter 10: Premonition

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When Nathan woke, the eastern sky was just beginning to lighten. His mind was foggy and he had to wait for it to clear before getting up. He could taste blood and dust was thick in his nose. He brushed off as much dirt as possible from his uniform, feeling more sore spots than he thought right. He looked around at the darkened landscape, shadows making everything seem larger. At the moment the city's shadows looked largest outlined as they were with the morning light. Something was wrong though. Suddenly he knew he had to be there.

He started to pick his way down through the rocks, slowly at first but the sense of urgency was growing. His pace picked up and soon he was leaping the rocks and other obstacles, heading to the city as fast as he could.

Brielle sat on her cot. Word had been sent up that inspection was underway. It was taking a long time. Longer than it ever had before. Her dad was taking advantage of it and sleeping. She could hear her mother humming softly while she dusted. Dust didn't really matter but there was nothing else to do. She herself had dusted her room numerous times waiting.

What was taking so long? She debated going to Eryn's room. Maybe she had already gone to join Requel and Amber. They could get back to their rooms before the inspector got there, especially if he were being this thorough with everyone. There was a slight tingle against her leg. She stuck her hand in her pocket to rearrange the rocks there. Her hand closed around the smooth, warm surface of the Center stone. A slight tingle went up her finger.

She withdrew it slowly and the room brightened instantly. She walked to the window and looked out to the hills. Nathan still hadn't shown up and none of the others were around either. It hadn't bothered her before. But now she felt dread welling up inside. She looked at the stone, its surface glowing faintly.

Before she knew it she was at Eryn's door. Just as she thought. Eryn wasn't there nor was she with her parents. She didn't even bother to check with Amber's parents. Requel's room was only a few doors down. She found all three sitting with flat rocks on laps and chalk in hand. As she entered they looked up and smiled.

"Took you long enough! No way are we gonna waste time waiting for the inspector all alone..." Eryn's face grew concerned. "Are you okay?" Brielle noticed she was trembling. There was no reason for this. Why was she so nervous? She opened her palm and the stone lit up the room better than candles. Brighter than it had ever been before. All three girls were enwrapped with it.

"It started tingling and ...does inspection always take this long?" She glanced to the hall. She could imagine Zarlo himself walking down it toward her. Wanting to kill her.

"He's usually here and gone by now. Well maybe not gone but usually at least started on the third floor. It is kind of weird but it might be he's new and is going to be extremely thorough. Bree its ok..." A scream sounded from below. Everyone froze. Then they were dragging Brielle to a window across the hall where three people already crowded.


"Nathan sure is stubborn. I can't believe he's going to watch her four days straight. No wonder he's so edgy!" Russel tossed the book he'd been thumbing through to Skyler.

"I don't think there's anything to worry about. He works himself up over nothing. They haven't found her so far they aren't going to find her today." Thomas scowled and stood up. "I'm going to fix some lunch though I don't suppose you two birds are hungry." Russel watched his retreating form till the shadows engulfed him. He was so uncaring and negative about everything. Just once he'd like to see Thomas excited. He was worried about Nathan. Last night the girls had all come in but Nathan hadn't even popped in to say good night or anything.

"Come on, Skyler. Let's go see how things are upstairs." His mind had finally won over his body and he pushed himself up. "They'll be done with her floor by now. We'll see what those girls are up to, eh?"

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