Chapter Two

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David's POV:

Sarah screamed before I did. A flash of gray had swung in front of me, firmly planting its weight on the bones in my hand. I hadn't even processed what happened before the repair man clamped onto my arm and ripped me from the car.

He swung his arm up, my eyes catching it as it lifted to a climax. I lifted an arm, ready to break the blow when there was a shout and a crunch of metal on bone. Both of us swung around to see the young dark haired girl clenching a blood stained pipe. Her eyes were fearful as they looked up at the attacker. My gaze fell to the back of his cracked skull, sticky fluid glistening under the moon. Nausea sloshed in the pit of my stomach, blood isn't my forte.

I wouldn't have realized he was moving if she hadn't shouted. The man was running towards her, Sarah leading him in a chase. I may be useless but I'm not slow. Easily catching up, I jumped the man from behind, throwing one arm around his neck and using the other to tighten my grip. He head butted me and I felt his closely cropped head slip against my skin, leaving a trail of blood on my face.

"Jareth watch out!"

I looked up in time to see what might have been the coolest thing ever. Bloody pipe in hand, the girl charged towards us before taking a running leap. She almost soared through the sky, hair wild and whipping behind her. Moving midair, she swung the pipe almost like a baseball bat before connecting it with the repair man's stomach.

He immediately collapsed underneath me and I scrambled to free my arms from around his sweaty neck. There was a pull at my arm as Sarah tugged me in the direction of my truck. She pushed me towards the driver side," Hurry up! Get in!"

I stood for a second, stunned. The shadowy image of the repair man raced towards us, snapping me from my shock. I clambered into the truck, slamming the door behind me. Sarah shouted from the passenger seat, "Drive! Go!"

I was choking on panic, "The car doesn't work! I hit something or something! It doesn't work!"

The repair man had reached the truck and a smash crackled through the air as he rammed the bloody pipe through the back window. Both of us screamed as glass flew from behind. Sarah was still shouting, "Turn the keys! Drive!"

My eyes watered with fear, "It doesn't work!"

Another ram of the pipe jolted the car to the side.

"Drive Jareth!"

I spread my hands in front of me, trying to regain some control, "I'm not Jareth and this car doesn't work! Look!"

I turned the key in the ignition trying to prove it. The truck rumbled to life and I stared at the windshield in confusion, "I swear this car wasn't working before!"

"Who cares! Drive!" She practically jumped onto my lap and jammed her foot on the accelerator.

My body reacted before I did and grabbed the wheel as I shouted, "What are you doing? You're going to kill us!"

"Take a left here!"

The tires slid over the muddy road, leaving us screaming as we passed off the road. My hands worked furiously, turning this way and that to avoid a collision. There was a rumble of stone under the car before we made it safely back on the trail. Fear gave way to relief and I was left with a sort of rasping laughter. Sarah joined me as she pushed herself back into her seat. I slowed the car to a safe speed and rolled my shoulders back, working out the tension.

Sarah pointed to a side road, "There's a truck stop thing over there."

I rounded a grove of trees, revealing a small restaurant and gas station. Pulling into a parking spot, I leaned back in my seat.

Suddenly everything and the insanity of it all was like a wave over my head, rising before crashing down on me. Sarah nudged me, "Let's go inside and get some water or something, we need a place to calm down and clean up."

At the words 'clean up', I glanced in the rear-view mirror at my face. My lip was split and the right side of my face was smeared in drying blood. Some of it stained my rugged looking hair. I looked like a wet dog from an abuse rehabilitation home.

The two of us grabbed seats in the dimly lit rest stop, despite the looks of the staff and other patrons. Basketball and football were lit up on TV screens around the restaurant, especially near the bar. I fiddled with the menu, feeling the adrenaline wearing down. My left hand throbbed with pain as a nasty green and red bruise began to form over the top of it.

Sarah was looking too, "You should probably get that checked out."

I nodded. The conversation seemed too casual after something like that. A big bosomed waitress came over, "What can I get you kids today?"

I glanced quickly down at the menu, having forgotten that it was there. Sarah jumped in for me, "Two waters and a uh... large nachos to split please."

The waitress nodded into her notepad, "Would you like to make those loaded for an extra dollar twenty five?"

She looked to me and I sighed, "Go for it."

"I'll have that to you soon."

We both watched her walk away before turning back to each other. I toyed with the salt shaker in my good hand, "Obviously we need to go to the authorities."

Sarah grabbed a straw from a jar on the table, "I mean..."

I looked up at her, "We do have to. Someone attacked us. For no reason."

The waitress came around, silencing our conversation. She placed the waters in front of us, "Your food will be out in just a minute."

I smiled my thanks and waited for her to leave before turning back to the girl, "Look, I don't know you and you don't know me. But we just got tangled up in something. We need to find the police."

Sarah banged her straw on the table, freeing it from its paper wrapping. She shrugged before shooting it into her water, seeming to be deep in thought. Eventually she pushed herself up from the table, "Wait for the food, I need to go out back real quick."

There was something definitely off about her, autism had come to mind but that didn't seem to be the answer. She was possibly just delusional. Either way, I wasn't keen on her leaving. I set down the salt shaker, "Wait, why?"

Sarah stood in her Peter Pan pajamas and looked over her shoulders, "I have some friends I need to call."

She began walking and I called after her, "Friends?"

Turning back with a strange smile she shouted back, "Yeah, they're not from around here."


Hello my lovelies! ^_^

So a few shout outs are in order- foremost to JacksonTerrance for being my first reader. And by first reader, I mean read the first chapter within five minutes of my posting. You have an unhealthy obsession my friend! Thank you for your support!

Secondly is gravityfallsgeek12. This beautiful wattpad user went through my first book yesterday and started chapter one of this story. Your comments fueled me to speed through this to get it posted for everyone! All my other readers, you owe this person a big thank you! ^-^

That's all for now I guess. Please tell me what you love, what you hate, and how you are! I love hearing from ya'll, as is evidenced by this chapter being posted so soon.

So as always,






p.s. My birthday a few days ago and so know that this whole chapter was written in Slytherin robes/scarf. Feel the magic! Any other Slytherins out there? -_^

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