Chapter Twenty Seven

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Sarah's POV:

      It started with our delayed flight. After rushing to the airport and pushing our way through security, we found that we were just in time for, "We're sorry to inform... delayed until eight... appreciate your patience... apologize for the inconvenience."

      The first hour passed slowly enough, but after not being able to get comfortable in the waiting area and Ziggy complaining that he hadn't had anything to eat, we started to get irritable. Finally David gave in and went with Ziggy to find food, leaving me alone in my stiff seat. I had left Didymus, Ludo, and Hoggle in the parking lot, asking them away so we could shuttle to the airport. 

      But I was glad to get some time alone, the solitude gave me a chance to dump the coffee David had made for me. I'd only really had it a few times before, one being a gift from Karen from Starbucks. By the time we got to the airport, the coffee was cold and had been too bitter from the start anyway. So I dumped it, planning to say I'd drank it if anyone asked.

      After a few hours of trying to find a way to sleep in the padded airport seats, Ziggy moved to the floor, using his duffel as a pillow. David and I sat in silence, me hugging my bag and David leaning his head against the pillar by his chair. 

      Finally the plan began to board and Ziggy insisted as soon as we got in line that he get a window seat. Too tired to argue, we stood behind him, letting him walk on first. David needed more legroom which left me in the middle for the duration of the flight.  

      At one point I fell asleep, waking up as the plan hit some turbulence.I'd lifted my head to see what was going on and, in the dimmed lights of the cabin, saw I'd fallen asleep on David's shoulder. His eyes were closed and his head rocked slightly from side to side as the plane bounced in the air. I remember thinking that he was asleep and then laying back on his shoulder. A few seconds later he shifted, nudging his head to rest it on top of mine.

      By the time we got to the islands it was still only early afternoon. We'd checked into the hotel, walking into our room like a collection of half alive testing mice, expressionless and ready to drop dead at any given notice. We didn't even questioning how small the room was, or the one picture that hung at a precarious angle on the wall. Immediately crawling into bed, I left my bag discarded somewhere on the floor, my eyes closing as soon as I hit the pillow.

      "Are you almost done in there?"

      My eyes flitted open and I took in a shuddering breath as I stretched. Groggily sitting up, I glanced around the room, my eyes landing on where David stood by the bathroom door. Ziggy's voice came from behind it, "Just give me a minute."

      David leaned his head against the door jam, rapping the door with his knuckles, "Zig."

      "Just a minute!"

      Running a hand through his hair, David turned to look at me. It was really the first time we'd consciously made eye contact since yesterday morning. He pressed a small smile before pushing himself away from the door, making his way to sit on the bed opposite mine, "Hey."

      Yawning, I pressed my hands over my face, trying to push the sleep from my eyes, "Hey."

      I glanced at the alarm clock- 9:00. The sky outside the window was dark. Trying to find something to say, I looked to David, "You sleep okay?"

      He gave another smile, noticeable shadows under his eyes, "Great."

      His shoulders drooped around him, his sweat jacket still crumpled from the flight. Eyeing his disheveled hair, I nodded, "You look tired."

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