Chapter Fourteen

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David's POV:

      The tea was hot and I held the cup in a handful of blankets, watching its murky surface twist and twirl as it gave off curls of steam. Sarah sat with me on the bed and I could feel the start of a conversation nagging at her. She wanted to say something. I wanted to sleep. 

      I changed my place of focus to glance at the clock. Sarah followed my gaze, "You woke up when I called you Jareth."

      I looked to her, dodging her accusation, "Sarah, it's almost three in the morning." 

      Her body swayed as she moved to sit on her knees, "David, we need to talk about this. It could be important."

      My emotions burned inside of me, unsure of where they were. Was there fear? Embarrassment? Confusion? Whatever it was, it came out as anger, "Do you never drop it? After everything I've done for you, this is all you can do?"

      Sarah hardened, "You don't even remember everything you've done for me. You have no right to put me down until you make the effort to understand the reasons that I deserve it."

      I stopped, repeating her words in my head before speaking, "Well if you deserve it, why does it even matter?"  My response came too late and lost impact. She shook her head at me, "You have always been impossible."

      "And you've always been insane." Frustration beat at the sides of my head, trying to pound out a result. Something wanted to make sense and I could feel it scraping around my brain. 

      Sarah was still holding her ground, "And who was the one that pulled me from the asylum? I may be the mad hatter but you're the one buying the hats."

      I opened my mouth to answer but was stopped by a sudden flash of an image in my mind. I tilted my head, trying to bring it into focus. The argument seemed to completely melt away, the image so purely familiar. I couldn't make out the details, but something told me it was beautiful.

      Sarah sighed in exasperation, "What now?"

      The image slipped from me and I frowned, "I don't know. It just kind of popped into my head."

      Her curiosity perked up and she readjusted her grip on the cup of tea, "What did?"

      I stared somewhere past her, trying to make a connection with what I'd seen, "A dress. It was like a wedding dress or..." I shook my head, "It wasn't a wedding dress. It was... big." I took a breath, pushing it away. My mind had already drifted when she spoke, "Was it white?"

      I frowned into my tea, blowing at it, "Yeah, I think so."

      Her voice was cautiously excited, "A white ball gown? With long sleeves? Were they puffy and off the shoulder?"

      I stopped blowing at the cup and looked up to her, "How did you know that?"

      She smiled, "David, that was my dress. Remember when I told you about that ballroom? That's what I wore when we danced."

      I searched her beaming face, trying to match the dress with what she remembered. I knew that, down somewhere that I couldn't admit to, I had felt something about the image. I met her eyes and shook my head, "I don't..."

      It took her a moment to catch on and her smile dimmed, "Oh." She stared into her tea, trying to hide her disappointment, "That's okay."

      The silence stretched and I watched her. She had to be right about all this or else I was just crazy. I had seen the creatures that followed her, held that freaky blue worm in my hands. But then what was my life now? Nothing? All my years at the record store, the people I knew here- 

      I stopped. Who did I know here? Customers were rare and they never came more than once, although that could be due to the dismal state of the store. But beyond that, I couldn't recall a single face. No best friend from elementary or girlfriend from highschool. 

      Nausea was suddenly in my stomach, working its way through my body. I stared at her, lips absently parted, "Oh my God."

      I barely heard her response as she frowned back at me, "What?"

      All of it, in one horrible wave of realization, had suddenly crashed over me. My senses were drowned in it, shocked by this new impossible reality. Shaking my head, I swallowed, "Sarah," there was a pause and I frowned at her, "You were right."


Hello my lovelies! ^_^

Check me out being on time!

So I know this was a shorter chapter, but consider this the ultimate point of rising action for the story. And so it begins!

I am feeling so much better today, it has been such a good and productive day today. I hope y'all are feeling wonderful too <3

So please let me know what you like or dislike, your comments were the fuel that got me through this chapter. I don't know what I did to deserve such support from you guys- you're truly amazing ^-^

Todays word is: Frowzy (FROW-zee), adj-  Sloppy, unkempt, or stale. 
                                  Ex.   Wow, I've been such a bum lately. No wonder I have such a frowzy life. 

  ^^When the example sentence is straight outta your life :P

Anywho, as always






p.s. Can I just say that the playlist I'm listening to is absolute fire right now?

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