I Need Some More Opinions

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      Hello my lovelies! ^-^

      So, the title is a bit of a give away... awkward I know. Where's the suspense?

      That aside, obviously I have some important questions for you all- which brings us to today's agenda regarding opinions:

1. (yes, we're getting fancy with numbers here) Direction of the story

2. What do you like most?

3. David v. Jareth

4. Our next chapter

      So, number 1. How is everyone feeling about the general direction of the book? Do we prefer it over the first book,  are there things we liked better about the first one?

      One thing I've really worried about is that, if we're honest, I've wandered quite far from the traditional Labyrinth fanfic. Not many have Jareth running around with Sarah and a character named after one of David Bowie's personas trying to fight black magic and jump out the windows of an asylum. I realize we've taken a turn.

      But it really is something I've been concerned about and so I thought why not get everyone to sit in this nice, therapeutic circle and get real for a sec. Do you guys want me to pull in more elements from the movie? Let me know- feedback, positive and negative, will make me feel so much better. Wondering is worse than hearing criticism. But as always, be constructive, not unkind ^-^

      2. What do you like to see in my chapters? Do you prefer more character interactions? Who between? What kind of interactions? Romantic? Awkward? Angry? Quiet? Do we like humor? Are the action sequences more interesting to you?

      I know these are some pretty intense questions but, again, these are things I've wondered and worried about for a long time. I feel kind of silly for not sitting down with you guys sooner. This story is, after all, as much for you as it is for me. It's fun for me to write content that you guys like to read, and are excited to see in my chapters.

      And before anyone says it- yes! I know! We're all still waiting for a kiss. It's at the top of my to do list ^_^

      3. So I know things are getting heated. We're getting into some treacherous waters and I gotta know- where do we stand on David versus Jareth? 

      I've heard a few things from some people but I want to know what everyone thinks. I have the whole of the story outlined already- ending included, but things can always shift depending on what you guys tell me. Scary. I know. But in all seriousness, how are we feeling?

      4. Lastly, and probably on the most practical note, I'm happy to say the next chapter has already been completed and I am beyond excited to get it out to you guys! That being said, the chapter is long. Like, four thousand words long. For those of you who don't know, I try to keep my chapters a bit above two thousand words. Just a bit of context.

       So what I want to know is- would you all be okay with such a long chapter, or would you prefer it if I broke it into two? Most of you have probably noticed that I try my best to alternate between David and Sarah's POV, so two chapters would mean two of Sarah's POV. I don't know if that bothers anyone, but it's just a thought.

      Lastly, if you prefer two chapters, how would you like them to be released? At the same time? A few hours apart? A few days apart? Let me know and I'll make it happen ^-^

      Alright my loves, I think that's about it. I know this was super long and I'm asking a lot from you all, but it would mean so much to get some much needed feedback from you all. I've been so stressed and, in all honesty, a little afraid about choices I've been making in my writing.

      As always, thank you for sticking with me through chapters, slow updates, and this long arse meeting lol. I appreciate you guys more than you can know. Please let me know your thoughts, I really do love hearing from and talking with you!

      Alright, as always






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