Chapter Twenty Six

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Jareth's POV:

      I wanted to scream, to shout, to call out to her. I'm not gone- I'm here!

      It was as if I were paralyzed, stuck watching someone else speak for me, saying things I would never say, doing things I would never do. Doing things I wanted to do.

      And she was right there. Right in front  of me. She was right there, and whoever this was didn't see that. He didn't know what I did. At times I could feel him pulling for my memories, trying to break a wall that I couldn't seem to get past. It was in those moments that I could almost feel the sensation of control. It would dance just beyond my fingertips as I reached for it, trying to grab it. But then it would fade, locking me back behind a glass wall.

      I could see Sarah's desperation in those moments. She wanted him to remember who I was, and I saw her hope breaking when he couldn't. David wasn't me. He didn't have my memories or my thoughts. He didn't even seem to have his own. He was some shell of a person, built out of vaguely stitched memories and false experiences. Whoever he was, he didn't have any real place in the world, and he certainly wasn't me.

      But this gave me hope. His emptiness was my saving grace. Maybe if I saw that there was more inside him, something inside his head, I might feel bad about what was coming. But when someone who doesn't truly exist disappears, it's as if nothing as changed at all. He was empty and lost, confused about the world around him. He was alone, with no one to hold onto. I had felt hope at this, telling myself that when everything was over, he could finally get some peace, and I would have Sarah back in my arms.

      But then they had danced. She'd touched his face, looking into his eyes. He'd pulled her close. They'd held each other. Part of me thought that maybe she could feel me inside of him. That she could feel me there, despite the wall between us. But the other part of me looked and saw her dancing with someone else. A stranger. How could she see me in someone so different than who I was? And what did it mean if she was falling for someone so different? 

      I wanted to yell to her in that moment, to pull him away from her. Anything to keep me from having to see the way she looked at him. The way her heart beat against his chest. The emotions that coursed through him. He may not have known it, but he was falling. And it scared me to think that maybe Sarah, the one I would trade my world for, was falling too.

      The thought broke me. My only motivation to keep fighting was the hope that, at the end of everything, I would be able to hold her again. That hope kept me pushing at the wall between me and David's thoughts. I was going to fight for her, for us. She was everything to me and nothing could stop me from getting back to her. I was going to make it home. I was. That was my promise- that no matter what, I would sacrifice everything for her. No matter the price.


Hello my lovelies!

I know this was more of a mini chapter, but I thought it was about time we heard from Jareth ^_^

How is everyone feeling so far? Good? Bad? Impatient to get to the end of this freaking story already!? ^_^  I know I've received some messages about teams forming between David and Jareth. Some of you can be quite passionate 0_0

But in all seriousness, I love all of your enthusiasm and, as always, am so grateful for all your support. It truly has meant the world to me ^-^

A quick heads up: my next update won't be a chapter, but more of some questions for you all about the story and the upcoming chapter. It's nearly written but I need your help with something. Ooo, the mystery 0-0

Anyway! That's all I have for today my loves, please comment telling me what you like, don't like, and what you want to see ^-^

And, as always,






And by the way, how crazy is it that I have this done so soon? Lol, bye guys and have a great day ^-^

      pst! @Lil_Sinful_Goddess remember your request for the story? It may or may not show up in the next chapter or two. Keep it a secret- we don't want to ruin the surprise. Good thing I'm keeping this so secretive at the bottom of the the page and stuff  -_^

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