Chapter Thirty Three

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Sarah's POV:

      We stood outside the arena door, pretending there was something we could do to prepare. There was no checklist to go over, no last minute preparations. So we simply stood, watching each other. Eventually I nodded, "Okay then."

      A trembling nausea had settled in my stomach, the unknown of what would happen pulling it tight. I realized this would be the last time we'd all be together. Hoggle nodded, uncomfortable with the hidden sentiment of the moment, "Well, I guess uh..."

      Looking up, his eyes landed on David. The troll shuffled forward, reaching out to give him an embarrassed pat on the leg, "I'll see ya around, fig wipe."

      David laughed halfheartedly, nodding,  "Sure. I'll see ya Hoggle."

      His name settled in the air and Hoggle started, taken aback. I could see him struggling to find a reply- tenderness had never been his strong suit. Eventually he humphed, nodding in an attempt to brush off David's words, "Well it took you long enough, ya bread bowl."

      Sir Didymus cut in, bowing, "Thou hath fought bravely beside us, dear sir. We thank thee."

      David nodded, still not used to the fox's grandiosity. Looking up, his eyes caught Ziggy, a silent conversation hanging between them. Ziggy looked to the ground, ashamed, "I..."

      He trailed off, unable to find an explanation or apology. David watched him, quiet, before moving towards his friend. Pausing, he pulled Ziggy into a hug, and from my angle I could only see Ziggy's face. Grasping David, he let out a heavy breath, crippled with the pain of being forgiven. A silence followed and Ziggy nodded at something David whispered, his words too quiet for me to hear. 

      The two broke apart and David gave him a final nod. My eyes met with Ziggy, the coldness between us obvious. He'd been a thorn in my side since the beginning, and, while I wasn't sure I'd miss him, battering him against a stone wall had helped shake loose some hard feelings. I stuck my hand out to him, waiting for him to take it. 

      He watched it suspiciously, pressing his tongue against his teeth before grabbing it. His skin was surprisingly rough and we shook, a mutual understanding. Good or bad, he had gotten us this far, and I knew, somewhere deep down, I would miss him. For the most part, at least. 

      Letting go, I nodded and looked between everyone. So this was it then. My eyes floated between their faces. From Didymus and Hoggle, to Ziggy, to David. With everything we'd gone through, I couldn't help but wish this wasn't the end. I felt as though everything was just starting. 

      David looked back at me and my heart fluttered in hopelessness. Nodding towards the door, he turned and I knew it was time to go. I gave one last glance at Hoggle, "If we need you, I'll call."

      "We'll be ready." He nodded in Ziggy's direction, "And I've got my eye on shrimp skin too."

      I smiled, "Thanks Hoggle."

      Turning, I moved to meet David's side and we made our way forward, the door seeming to close in on us. We paused, standing outside of it, and my eyes ran over the splintering wood, my heart thumping in my chest. The fear I had been fighting since the beginning bubbled in my throat. Despite knowing there wouldn't be a battle, I knew there would be a showdown. And this was it. 

      I could feel everyone's eyes on my back. I could feel David watching me. Taking a breath, I raised my hand to the door. The bones in my hand felt like lead and the wood was rough beneath my skin. This was the point of no return. I hardened and gave myself one last pause. I pushed the door open.

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