Chapter Twelve

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David's POV:

      Sarah sat next to me on the couch, brow creased in thought, "It was a lot clearer when it happened."

      She turned to me with an exasperated sigh, "I don't even know if any of it meant anything."

      Rolling my shoulders back, I stared at my wrapped foot. The pain had dulled to an aching throb and I couldn't help but think back again to the absurdity of it all. I turned to Sarah and her head shot the other way. It wasn't the first time I'd caught her staring. She sheepishly looked back my way, "My dream was about you- I think. You weren't there, but I knew you were. You were stuck somewhere and... it was weird."

      I couldn't help but give a cynical laugh, "Because nothing up until this point has been weird."

      Sarah rolled her eyes at me, but a hint of laughter played at her lips, "There was someone who helped you. I didn't recognize them but... would you have any idea at all who it was?"

      I shook my head, jaw to one side, "I don't even think I am who you say, how am I supposed to know who it was."

      She opened her mouth and I stopped her with a finger, "Not to mention, we don't even know if it meant anything."

      The girl sat in silence, wheels turning in her head. It was insane. All of it. And yet she was familiar. The curve of her cheek, the dip from chin to neck, how her simple hair fell flatly against her shoulders. I snapped myself out of it, moving my gaze back up to her face. She, however, was oblivious to my stares. 

      "Maybe..." She bit a lip in concentration and my eyes fell to them. I forced myself to look at the ceiling, what was going on with me? There was a small slither in my pocket and I jumped, a small voice calling out, "Oof! 'Ello!"

      Sarah looked down, breaking her train of thought, and smiled, "I almost forgot!"

      She reached across me, hand going for my pocket, and I quickly leaned away. Frowning, her eyes flicked to me in confusion, eventually widening when she realized what she was trying to do. Our gaze locked for an instant and I could feel the closeness of her arm across my body. My chest fell in a suddenly heavy breath, eyes slowly venturing back to her lips. Seeing the shift in my gaze, her lips opened in surprise.


      We jumped apart, searching for anywhere to look that wasn't each other. I swallowed the lump that had formed in my throat and carefully tugged the worm from my pocket. Sarah brushed her hair back with one hand, reaching the other out to grasp the fuzzy thing. I handed it to her and she stood, worm in her firm grip. 

      I squeezed my eyes shut and opened them wide again, blinking to clear my thoughts. There was a clinking in the kitchen and I looked to find her carefully tucking the worm into a mug. I watched her root through my cabinets, ripping up a paper towel for him to lay on and dropping in a few pieces of cereal.

      I smiled, amused at her attempts to keep him comfortable. She turned to me and it was my turn to shoot my gaze elsewhere. Taking a few steps into the living room, she pointed, "How's your foot doing?"

      I nodded at it, "Better, but not great."

      The silence was painful. I shrugged my shoulders, searching for something to say, "I-"

      "I was thinking." She cut me off and sat on the arm of the couch, keeping her distance, "You said you didn't remember who helped you. But maybe if you remembered who you are, you would be able to figure it out."

      Impatience ebbed at me, "I really don't think so. The dream probably didn't-"

      "David, I have a feeling about this!"

       I was taken aback by the firmness in her voice and raised my eyebrows, lips pressed together. Sarah slid from the arm to the couch cushions, "Just please. Promise me you'll try."

      I searched her face, trying to find some part me that believed her, but shook my head, "Sarah. This is crazy. I have no idea how to do that."

      Her determination fell and I knew she was as stuck as I was. I wanted to help, to say something, but she looked to me, her voice soft, "Your name is Jareth. You're the Goblin King and you love your labyrinth."

      I frowned at her in confusion, eyes squinted.

      "You love shoes and glitter. You have so many pillows." She laughed to herself, "So many pillows. And you can never remember Hoggle's name." 

       Her words hit me, I couldn't remember his name. 

      "You can juggle glass orbs, like how you showed me the other day. Except you also used magic. You loved wearing different outfits. And you had a goblin servant named Fritzy."

      She stopped, lost in her own memories. Cocking her head, her eyes wandered across my walls, "And you sang. All the time. And there was this one song. We danced. You were wearing blue."

      Her eyes stopped moving suddenly, caught on something I couldn't see. They fell back down to the floor, "I can never remember the words."

      Mesmerized by her intensity, I watched her. She was unlike anyone I had ever met, quiet but forceful, kind but dangerous. Sarah shook her head and turned to me, "I know you don't remember who you are but... do you think there's any chance that... you remember the words?"

      Her desperation dug at me and for a second I truly tried. I tried to reinvent the words she thought I knew, tried to conjure maybe at least the tune of the song. But there was nothing. I shook my head hopelessly, and she nodded. She had been expecting me to not know. It was almost heartbreaking to see her so beaten down. Her entire world was falling around her. I could see it, but I couldn't help. In that moment, I wanted to be there for her, even as her world fell down. 


Hello my lovelies...

I know I promised to try to update more...

But then things happened...

Many things... If you would like a list I can gladly post it in the comments section.

But so anyway! I hope you liked this chapter, it is nearly useless to the plot but I thought we could take a moment and wallow in some feels- hopefully this did the trick.

School is back and I want to know how everyone's holding up! The good, the bad, and that beautiful person who sits in the seat just diagonally in front of you so you can daze off during class and just drown in daydreams......... we've all been there.

Please please please, comment what you like, dislike, and want to see! (maybe a first kiss will show up somewhere? mwa ha ha)

Lastly, I just want to thank you all for your such tremendous, continuous support. If you've been with me since book one, leave a comment and I'll give all of you a shoutout!

As always my dears,






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