Chapter Twenty Eight

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David's POV:

      We'd spent a good portion of the day flipping through the TV by the time Ziggy got back, a nearly empty plastic bag in hand. Seeing our questioning looks, he brushed a hand through his hair as he walked, "Needed more foundation."

      Uninterested, my attention turned back to the TV. Sarah's eyes followed him, "It took you that long to get foundation?"

      Ziggy turned, halfway into the bathroom, his hand on the doorknob as he raised a lip at her, "We're not in the middle of a Sephora honey."

      He smiled, his voice condescending, "It takes time to find a foundation to match this pasty skin."

      Not waiting for a response, he closed the door behind him. For a second the room was silent and I could feel Sarah watching the door. I waited.

      "I mean like, really?" She'd turned to sit back against the headboard, "He hogs the bathroom, goes out for foundation- and, by the way," she looked to me, "It does not take that long to get foundation." 

      "He just," She struggled to find the words, "He's just so aggravating."

      She waited for a response, trying again when there wasn't one, "Don't you think?"

      I glanced at her before returning to the screen, "Oh, I'm not getting involved."

      "Well thanks for being on my side, jerk." Giving me a playful push, she smiled, standing up, "I'm actually going to go out and get the things we need."

     My gaze flicked to her, an urgent desperation to put off the inevitable bubbling inside me. Glancing around, my eyes fell on the window and the setting sun outside. I pushed myself to sit up straighter, "Isn't it getting a bit late?"

      Sarah glanced at the clock before looking to the window. The sun had just begun to dip behind the clouds, dying them like easter eggs. She stood, weighing thoughts in her head. My stomach was tight as I waited for her decision. I knew what was coming, but survival mode was beginning to kick in and I needed every extra minute I could take.

      Finally, she shrugged her shoulders into her ears, stretching them, "You're probably right. I'm not even sure how much longer the vendors will be open."

      We pretended her excuse was a valid one and I nodded, trying to reassure her, "It's only one more day."

      Joining my nod, she stood, "Yeah, it's not too much longer."

      Her words sent a chill through me but I pressed a smile, "Alright then."

      The bathroom door turned and our heads turned, Ziggy walking over to the side of the bed. He frowned looking around, "Where's the remote?"

     Behind him, Sarah crossed her arms, "Why?"

     Not looking her direction, Ziggy paused, smiling, "Because I'm going to watch something."

      "What if we were watching something?"

      "Then I guess you'll have to change."

      Sarah watched me, her eyes burning as she raised her eyebrows- see?

      I gave a small shrug, what do you want me to do?, as Ziggy rooted through the sheets next to me. Eventually his hand found the remote and he sat down, taking Sarah's place. She turned, exasperated to sit on her bed as he frowned at the list of channels.

      "What're we watching, then?" Sarah sat cross legged, watching Ziggy with an annoyed indifference. 

      He flipped the card, "If we can find it..."

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