Quick Meeting

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      Hello my lovelies! ^_^

      I just realized the other day (while admittedly struggling with writer's block) that we haven't actually chatted yet. I'm not sure if any of you have noticed, but I have and I miss you guys :(

      Another thing is that I haven't really been grateful for your support. In my last book I would occasionally just drop a page like this saying thank you, so-

      THANK YOOOOUUUUU!!!! You guys truly are the best and I know I haven't said it yet, but you do keep me going. When I first started, I had no idea- not even an inkling of a thought- that I would even receive five readers. Now here I am, on my second book, because of you. 

      All of you have been so supportive, even my newer readers that have suddenly jumped on board. @MoonwalkerKari and Lil_Sinful_Goddess, thank you so much for all your votes recently, it helped wake me up ^_^

      So again, I would not have even tried to get this far if it hadn't been for your constant support, thoughtfulness, and just sheer awesomeness. I am unimaginably grateful :')

      Now that I've given you a probably over-winded thank you, I want to continue this writing for you guys. If there's anything you like, dislike, or want to see- I've had requests for a kiss and a slap so far (@Lil_Sinful_Goddess I've got you) please let me know! I adore getting fresh perspectives and ideas!

      Last bit and then I'll release a new chapter, if any of my hardcore labyrinth readers are running out of stories (I know some of you are very avid readers), I have one for you to tuck into your library. Check out Cruel Winter by AnnibelLovely. Absolutely entrancing writing, and for those of you searching for a deeper plot line, this is a wonderful story. While I'm here, thank you too AnnibelLovely, you helped to alleviate some of the fears I had about my own story ^-^

      Alright, it's back to the drawing board guys. So let's go out and kick some butt, take some names, and catch some Ziggy!

      So, as always:






    p.s. I love you guys ^-^

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