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"Sana!" I heard someone call my name.

Thinking it was a TWICE member, I continued walking, wiping my years away. How dare they try to pull Tzuyu away from me!


I heard running and looked to see someone running towards me. Recognizing that voice, I stopped walking.

"Somi?" I questioned.

Sure enough, Jeon Somi smiled as she came closer to me. She stopped running and caught her breath. I smiled. She's close to Tzuyu.

"What's wrong, Sana?" She asked, standing straight up again.

"Just taking a walk."

"With a bowl?"

"It's not just a bowl," I snapped, but immediately regretted it. "Sorry, but she's special to me."

"That's...that's Tzuyu?"

I raised an eyebrow. She wasn't at the cremation, so how did she know?

"Chaeyoung caught me up on everything. Are you feeling okay?"

"You're just like the others, aren't you? Thinking I'm crazy for carrying Tzuyu around, huh?"

Somi quickly shook her head. "No! Of course not! I...I actually understand."

"Oh, do you now?"

"You love Tzuyu very much, I know that. You two were so close after debuting. And having someone you loved ripped away like that? Because she suffocated--?"

"She didn't suffocate," I quietly said.

"What? But the news said--"

"I went to the police station and looked at her autopsy report! She didn't suffocate! She was choked and then pills were shoved down her throat to make everybody believe she overdosed or suffocated because of the pills!"

Somi stood there quietly, taking everything in. Even though she was still young and may not understand some things very well, I was glad to have her there. Maybe she was the only person I could trust...

"How could they?" She questioned sadly. "Tzuyu's so innocent. She would never hurt a fly!"

"I know. But the police will get to the bottom of this. They better, or else I will."

Somi nodded. "And I'll help you."

"No, you can't. You've got I.O.I and your career to deal with--"

"If it wasn't for you guys, I wouldn't be here! Without your support, I wouldn't have made it as an artist. So, I'll cancel anything to help you. Got it?"

I couldn't help but smile at her determination. Who was I to stop her?


Somi grinned then pulled out her phone. "Here, put your number in mine and I'll put mine in yours."

I sheepishly took the phone. "You see, I left it in the dorm when I ran out."

"Oh. It's fine. I'll just text you so you can have my number."

I quickly put my number in Somi's phone and handed it back to her.

"So where exactly are you going?" Somi asked.

"I...I don't really know. I just had to get away from everybody in the dorm. It's so stressful being there, with the investigation, and Jihyo trying to leave--"

"Jihyo's trying to leave?! Why?!"

"It's a long story."

Somi pulled on my arm, leading me towards a park bench. We both sat down, facing each other.

"I've got time," she said.

"Why are you here?"

"A nightly walk. But, anyways, start on your tall tale!"

"Well, it started about a day before Tzuyu's death..."


"...I'm so sorry," I apologized to JYP.

"Do not say sorry to me. Say sorry to your team. Especially Sana."

JYP patted my shoulder and squeezed it in a fatherly way. Then he turned on his heel and left.

Once I was out of his presence I sighed. I still wasn't going to be the leader, but I would stay in the group. Mainly for publicity and to let everybody think that TWICE is okay.


Nayeon and Jungyeon crept into the room. Behind them, I could see the other members looking anxious.

"What has TWICE become?" Nayeon asked, coming over to me and giving me a hug.

I shook my head as I hugged her back. "We aren't TWICE anymore, that's the thing. Now where's Sana run off to? I have to apologize."

"We don't know. She was pretty upset."

"How come?" I looked at Nayeon.

Her and the second oldest member exchanged looks. "We, er...talked to her about Tzuyu. And...she didn't take it so well. That's why she ran out."

"Is Sana losing her mind?" Dahyun asked as her and Chaeyoung entered the room.

Jungyeon nodded while Nayeon shook her head.

"I think she is," Jungyeon said.

"I don't," Nayeon countered.

The two eldest members exchanged looks. Clearly they were disagreeing with each other, and if someone didn't stop it, they'd argue too.

"Okay, how about we just not answer the question?" I suggested.

The two shrugged.

"Okay. I'm going to find Sana. Nayeon, I want you to--"

"I'm coming with you," Nayeon interjected.

"Fine. Jungyeon, since you're the leader, you make sure everybody goes to bed before I get back. Okay?"

Jungyeon nodded.

I walked to the door, Nayeon right behind me. Even though I wasn't the leader anymore, I still acted like it, and I internally scolded myself. Jungyeon will be the one doing that, taking care of everybody. They'll be her responsibility.

Sighing, I slipped on my shoes and followed Nayeon out into the night. I hope I do something finally right...

So, I've edited previous chapters. If you want to check them out, you can. I've added P.O.V's, extended chapters, extended the summary, and included things. I hope it makes sense, and if it doesn't, don't hesitate to tell me!

New cover by Pikachu9704.

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