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Somi was fitting in quite well from what I can see. Chaeyoung was so excited when Somi was introduced into TWICE. Maybe too excited. I know she's best friends and all with Somi, but it's like these past weeks have never existed.

"Well, maybe she's using Somi to take her mind off of me," Tzuyu suggested one night she visited me.

We sat on a park bench, at night, since all the other members were back at the dorm.

"Maybe. But it makes me think..."

"Like Momo unnie? She thinks that you've killed me, which I could never believe."

Me? Kill my amazing, beautiful Tzuyu? Never! It saddens me that she would even think of the possibility.

"I would never!" I exclaimed.

"But I don't think Chaeyoung unnie would have done that either."

"But...she seemed so--"

"No. You must not think negatively about her. She's hurting just as much as you are. Don't think she's not. And you have to focus on your career now. It's starting back up."

I frowned up at her. "How can I when I know you're not going to Pass yet?"

"Do you not want to see me again?"

"No no! I do I do I do! But I also want you to be happy. And I can't get the group back together if we're working all the time."

"Sure you can! Remember all those times at the fan signing events? How you would goof off with everyone? And those times backstage? Just do that again, pull everybody out of their funk. In no time, TWICE will be back together."

Tzuyu keeps saying that, but it's not working. When will it start to work?

I was about to point this out when I heard rustle in the bushes. We both froze, looking at the shaking branches. Someone was listening to us. But who?

"Hello?" I called out, praying it was one of the TWICE members spying on me. Who knows if it was someone else? They'd think I truly was insane.

"We have to go, Sana unnie. I'll talk to you tomorrow."

And she disappeared. But I wanted to know who the spying person was.

Closing Tzuyu's ashes, I quickly got up and ran around the bush to see if I could spot the person. Much to my dismay, the person was running off. I huffed and walked back to the JYPE building.

This is ridiculous. Almost every time I have a meeting with Tzuyu recently, some unknown person is eavesdropping on us. I'm sure they think I'm crazy, but why must they insist on doing it every night?

When I got there, I was pulled to the side by Somi. We went into the room I shared with a few of the other members, and locked the door.

"You spoke to Tzuyu unnie?" Somi asked, sitting on my bed beside me.

I nodded.


I hesitated. What would she think if I told her I suspected Chaeyoung of offing Tzuyu? I'm sure she'll take up for her best friend at once. After all, I would've done that with Tzuyu.

"Just about adding you with TWICE. Wow, it's so weird having somebody new, and not Tzuyu."

Somi shrugged, then patted my arm. "Well, it is normal. You were very close to Tzuyu, of course you miss her and feel strange that I'm here. But you'll get used to it."

Beauty Sleep // Chou Tzuyu✔️Where stories live. Discover now