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The next morning, when I went down for breakfast, I saw Sana cheerfully walking out of the bathroom. Her mouth wasn't in a frown, and she didn't look depressed anymore. Her eyes lit up when they landed on me, and she hesitated before coming to give me a hug.

"Jungyeon unnie! Good morning!" She greeted.

"Um...morning?" I finally got out.

Why was she acting like this? As if Tzuyu was still here? Was there something going on? Maybe I've been dreaming this entire time, and I finally woke up.

But when I arrived in the kitchen and saw everybody else in their same state as before, I knew it wasn't a dream. Food from last night was being heated up and distributed to the members.

"Why is Sana acting weird?" I asked when I sat down, Jihyo setting a plate down in front of me.

"I was just thinking that," Nayeon, surprisingly, agreed. "She was acting all cheerful, like it was going to be the best day of her life."

"Maybe she's conspiring to kill us all," Momo said, beginning to eat her food. "Like Tzuyu-ah."

"That's nonsense," Nayeon said, trying to shut down the idea.

"Think about it! Why do you think she's been feeling so bad lately? And distanced herself away from us? And talks about Tzuyu so much? She's been guilty the whole time! I thought you guys knew that!"

"Sana-ah would have never killed Tzuyu on purpose. Besides, I share a room with her, and she never wakes up in the middle of the night."

"Maybe she slipped something into dinner that night," Momo continued, shrugging.

Dahyun sighed. "Sana unnie would not have killed Tzuyu-ah."

Nayeon and Momo fell silent. Dahyun hasn't spoken in a while, so it came across as a shock to all of us. I didn't think she would start speaking again so soon.

"She loved her too much to do so. Momo unnie, stop watching mystery movies."

"But," Momo continued to argue, to prove that she was, indeed, right, "she might have loved her so much to the point she would only want her for herself--"

"Momo. No."

Momo fell silent, and Dahyun went back to looking down at the table. Nayeon exchanged glances with me just as Sana walked into the kitchen. 

She smiled brightly, as if today as the best day ever...

Until she tripped over Mina's chair and fell flat on her face.

At first nobody did anything. Until I started to snicker in my hand at the girl lying on the floor. Nayeon stared at me as Momo started to laugh, and Chaeyoung joined in while giggling. Soon, everybody was laughing, and Sana shyly smiled with her red face.

And in that moment, I thought maybe everything would be okay again, like how it used to be.


You don't know how happy I was when I saw Sana this morning. It absolutely made my day, and I was grateful for the sudden change in the atmosphere.

Since Somi was taking Tzuyu's place, we had to teach her Tzuyu's parts and Tzuyu's part of the choreography, especially to Cheer Up, since that was our latest single. Our debut performance was past overdue, and it's sad to know Tzuyu won't be performing with us for it. But we'll have a tribute for her while we perform it.

"You don't have to know her lines as of right now," I told Somi during a break we took. "For this performance, it will be a tribute to Tzuyu-ah."

Somi nodded in understanding. "It's sad how she's not alive for this performance. I hope she likes it and won't feel too bad about it."

What? I gave her a confused smile. "She can't feel bad, Somi-ah. She'll be perfectly fine, I'm sure."

Somi glanced back at Sana, who was standing in the corner, on her phone. But her lips were moving as she looked down at the screen. And she kept glancing up at the wall in front of her.

"Not from what I can see."

Then Somi walked away, as if nothing happened.

What was that all about? Why did Somi talk as if Tzuyu was still here? Still alive? Has Sana told her something to make her believe she's still here?

"I love her to death, but I'm still convinced she's going crazy," Jungyeon stated, walking up to me from behind.

"Sana unnie is not crazy..." My voice trailed away, as if I didn't believe it myself. But I do believe it. Sana is not crazy.

"She's not, Jungyeon unnie. Haven't you seen her this morning? She was perfectly fine!"

"Then why do I get the feeling that she was faking it?"


I didn't have an excuse. Sana cannot be faking it. Even though it's mysterious how she could switch up overnight. Maybe she's realized something that made her think more positively about life.

"Jihyo-ah, I've got to tell you something," Nayeon said, walking up to us.

"Sure." I was more than happy to stop talking about Sana. Jungyeon wasn't going to stop saying Sana was going crazy.

Nayeon told me about how Sana and Somi were going to try and find Tzuyu's killer just because they found a bottle of pills near her bed. Jungyeon rolled her eyes at the story while Nayeon glared at her.

"She loves Tzuyu-ah very much," I commented, even though we all knew that. "Maybe that's her way of coping."

"But we can't have her going around, accusing innocent people of a crime they didn't commit!" Nayeon argued.

"But what if that person did do it?"

"The wouldn't admit it, unless they were mentally insane or something. Or they would be proud of doing such a thing."

Taking a glance in the corner, I saw Somi and Sana talking to each other. What if they were plotting on going through with the search anyways?

"I say we let them do it," I told Nayeon.

Nayeon's eyes widened to the size of saucers. "What?! Jihyo-ah, no! Think about what would happen if someone reports it. TWICE would have a bad name! It's already been damaged with Tzuyu-ah! We can't have anymore--"

"I approve."

Nayeon stopped talking as soon as she heard Jungyeon's voice. She huffed in anger. 

"Of course you would! You don't even love Sana-ah anymore like you used to! Besides, you're not even the lead..."

The eldest stopped herself before sighing and walking away without another word. She seems so frustrated with everything now, especially the now-tallest member of our group.

"I think it would redeem TWICE's image," Jungyeon commented.

I slowly nodded, not feeling like talking anymore. All the good and positive energy I've gained from Sana earlier has ran out. Now, I just want to get through the busy day and go home to bed.

Jungyeon called back the other members so we could start rehearsing, with the newest member of TWICE, Jeon Somi.

Sorry for it being so short...and for taking forever and a day to update....

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