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Time for the magic to happen.

Dedicated to tzuyu-twice for winning a contest. Congrats!


"Sana!" I heard someone call as I just finished my story with Somi.

We both looked up to see Jihyo and Nayeon running towards us. I groaned and stood up. The last people I wanted to see was them.

"What do you want?" I asked, hugging Tzuyu close to my chest.

Jihyo fumbled with her fingers. "I just wanted to say I'm so--"

"Save it," I rudely interrupted. "I don't want to hear your sappy apologies. I just want you all to leave me alone. Leave us alone. Okay?"

The two nodded, and I turned to Somi. "We should head back."


The four of us headed back to the JYP Entertainment building, Somi and I in front of the other two. We all separated, me going into the bedroom I shared with Nayeon, Jihyo, and Mina. Nobody was in there, thankfully, so I sat Tzuyu on my nightstand, changed into night clothes and crawled into bed.

I yawned and felt my eyes began to droop as I hugged Tzuyu's stuffed animal to my chest. In no time, I was drifting off to sleep...


I scrunched my nose and wrapped the blanket tighter around me. When has it got so cold?

"Sana unnie! Wake up!"

Why do I keep hearing Tzuyu's voice? Am I going to hallucinate again and see her?

"Sana unnie, please?"

"No," I groaned, turning around in bed. I just wish her voice would go away.

Without warning, I felt something freezing cold on my cheek. I squeaked and jumped, spinning around in my blanket.

There she stood, Tzuyu, in the same spot as last time, wearing the same thing as last time. It's happening again!

I opened my mouth to scream, but Tzuyu shook her head quickly and held her hands out.

"No no no! Don't scream, please?" She pleaded, covering her own mouth.

Staring at her with wide eyes, I just let my jaw drop. Was this really happening? Was Tzuyu here again?


The pale girl smiled. "Sana unnie!"


I couldn't form a complete sentence. This was impossible! There was no way Tzuyu was standing here! It just sounds crazy!

"I'm dreaming," I told myself. "I must be dreaming! You're not here!"

Tzuyu frowned at me. "Unnie, what time is it?"

"What? Why are you asking me?" Am I having one of those really stupid dreams again? Is Tzuyu going to turn into a chicken eating a hard-boiled egg?

Beauty Sleep // Chou Tzuyu✔️Where stories live. Discover now