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Jihyo was heartbroken. We all were about Sana's fate, but Jihyo was absolutely devastated. Demolished. Destroyed. My heart ached for her. She may not be the leader anymore, but she still cared for us as if she was. It was worse since she had a connection with each and every one of us.

Jeongyeon rubbed Jihyo's back as the younger girl lied her head on Sana's arm. She wasn't crying anymore, so it's safe to assume she's asleep, judging by the way her back rose and fell evenly.

Beeping filled the room, indicating Sana's slow, steady heartbeat. All of TWICE sat in the room, including JYP himself. It was silent, except for that awful sound. Why couldn't it speed up, back to normal, and we can see Sana's smiling face again?

This was not good for us. Not only for our mental and emotional health, but for TWICE as well. We just got back from a hiatus due to Tzuyu's death, and now we might have to go on another one for Sana. All of our dreams of being idols are being screwed and messed with, and we aren't being able to promote like we're supposed to.

Jeongyeon sat back in her chair, beside me. She sighed, rubbing her forehead in frustration. I reached over and grabbed her hand and gave it a gentle squeeze.

"Everything will be okay," I told her.

"You're sure about that? That's the second member that's been injured. I'm so frustrated."

"I know you are. And, we'll get through this. It's just a little blimp along the road. Don't give up just yet."

"We're not losing Sana," she muttered.

"That's the spirit."

"What I'm really worried about is Jihyo-ah. She's been so stressed lately. Have you seen all the weight she's lost, unhealthily? This is going to kill her if it doesn't get better."

I glanced over at Jihyo. For a girl so young, she acted as if she lived longer than all of us. "It's amazing how someone can love and care about people she hasn't known for long. And she's only eighteen."

Jeongyeon stroked Jihyo's hair. "I know. She should be worrying about her outfit for the day. Not whether the members in her group are going to live or not."

"It breaks my heart. I wish she wasn't so attached to us."

The taller nodded. But she didn't say anything else, not knowing what to say, I guess.

TWICE was on another hiatus. We were losing a lot of money, and a lot of fans. No matter how much I try to encourage them that we can't keep stopping for every bad thing that happens, they didn't listen and continued to mope. Somi hasn't been seen for a couple of days, Chaeyoung claiming she was home, distraught. But, if she was so distraught, shouldn't she be here with us and Sana?

All of us were in the dorm room, except for Jihyo, who was still with Sana in the hospital. The dorm was dead silent, hardly anybody moving. Except for me, since I was pacing in front of Jeongyeon in the living room.

"Something isn't right," I stated, frowning.

"What do you mean? Nothing has been right ever since Tzuyu!"

"No! I mean what's happening now. I wonder what happened for Sana-ah to get hit by a car."

"Well, Somi-ah said that somebody stole Tzuyu's ashes, and she and Sana chased after them. Plain as day."

But there was still something not right about it. I couldn't accept it and let it settle down like everyone else. Except Jihyo, who isn't in her right state of mind at the moment. I'm glad to have requested any pills to be removed from the room, so Jihyo won't become so depressed that she commits suicide.

" would they know that the ashes were with us? If anything, their first place to look should've been the dorm."

Jeongyeon shrugged. "They might've been lucky."

"No. They might've had an inside source," I corrected.

Of course! Probably, there was an inside source this whole time! But who could it have been?


The bowl of ashes were set in the chair, the guy who took them wiped his brow as he sat back and waited for the owner to appear.

He had narrowly escaped the girls chasing after him. He didn't mean for the girl to get hit by the car, but hey. He had to do what he had to do.

Suddenly, a silver entity began to form next to the bowl of ashes. His eyes widened as he watched as the former member of TWICE looked around the small, dingy room.

"Sana unnie? Where are we? I'm scared."

She looked around, afraid. She didn't notice her kidnapper in the dark shadows, due to the lone, dim lightbulb over her head. Even though she didn't know anything that was going on, she knew that she clearly didn't like it.

Next to her kidnapper, a door opened, revealing a female figure. The guy bowed, and she returned it.

Tzuyu looked up at who entered, though not being able to see them clearly.

"Somi?" She questioned.

The girl chuckled. "You're so quick to assume. Weren't you the same person who denied everyone else of killing you? Why would assume Somi?"

Tzuyu didn't say anything. She just wanted to know who it was that took her from Sana.

"I just love how everybody was so quick to assume Somi was the killer. Even you, the one who saw your killer."

"What are you talking about? I don't remember who they are," Tzuyu defended.

The girl chuckled. "Sure, you don't. It's that pre-trauma thing where you don't remember anything moments before the accident. Or, in this case, a non-accident."

"Why don't you just reveal yourself? And why did you kidnap me?"

"Because I wanted to end you once and for all. And if I have to destroy these ashes, then I will!"

Tzuyu sighed as she sat on the chair that her pot was still on. "Why didn't I Pass? I should've when I had the chance."

"Too late! Still, I won't reveal my personality to you, since someone might find you, and you might turn me into the police. But, I will say this: it's a shame that you can't even remember your roommate."

Well, now you all know that the killer is NOT Somi! Fun fact: I originally made the killer related to Somi, but it was too easy to guess. Have fun trying to figure out Tzuyu's murderer. >:)

Or am I saying that to mess with you? >>>>>:)

Also, if you get the title reference, I'll love you forever

Beauty Sleep // Chou Tzuyu✔️Where stories live. Discover now