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Chapter 19:

The curious crowd remained behind the yellow strip, watching the scene impatiently.

Some took pictures or even filmed the scene.

Others mumbled indistinctively.

New comers or passer-bys, they all showed a vivid interest in the whole event.

"You must still be in shock, right?" The new lady questioned. "I'll take it over, Mr. Gang. So you may leave now."

The officer nodded, "Yes, of course." and moved aside.

"So then, how are you feeling now, Mr...?"
She paused, waiting for my name.

"...Inoue... Inoue Jun," I replied hesitantly.

She scribbled in her journal, her eyes still scanning me from behind the dark rims of her glasses.

"You see, according to law, I'll be needing a few of your details. There's nothing too difficult, of course." She explained blandly.

"Miss Yoon, we're done here. Shall we wrap it up now?"

"Sure, go ahead." After a short silence, she continued, turning back to me: "So then, let's proceed. Address?"

Chapter 20:

I gave all my details and then I was left alone, in the same spot I was questioned.

Meanwhile, the criminal investigation bodies wrapped up their work quickly and moved on. They placed the girl in a golden wrapper and carried her outside—
a policeman in blue uniform walking ahead.
Four red uniforms and
four black followed.
And another blue one behind.

They formed a cortege under the curious gaze of the crowd.

All the strips had been lifted.
The area cleared.

And people filled the empty spaces of the platform once again.

The trains started circulating, and I was slowly making my way out, under the suspicious eyes of the passer-bys.

"Please just wait a minute."

A hand reached for my shoulder, stopping me in my tracks.

I turned around, only to meet the cold glare
of the prosecution.

"I'm sorry but I'm afraid you'll have to come with me."

Chapter 21:


I thought everything ended. Or so I wanted to believe.
But all my hopes shattered in an instant.

"We'll need a few more details. Please don't think too much of it."

For a moment,
I could not comprehend.

"You're the only one who can offer us a few more details about her death."

"But I've already told you all I know..."

"Yes, but there are a few more steps to be taken. Please understand."

Anger filled my chest.
And I let it all out in an instant.

"It's because of all those people, isn't it?!"

The man smiled cautiously.

"Please don't misunderstand."


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