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Chapter 22:

"Please cooperate."
A twisted smile.

I was dumbfounded. I couldn't believe my ears.
How could they arrest me just like that?!

"This way, please."

I followed the officer mechanically,
mentally chanting my innocence.

"It won't take long, I assure you."

The man walked ahead, leading the way to the other end of the platform. Under the curious gaze of the crowd, 

we walked on.

"Just a few more questions and you'll be free to go."

"...why are you doing this to me...?"
My question came as a whisper.

Drained of energy,

I climbed the stairs in silence,
following the officer's steps beyond the yellow strip that read


Chapter 23:

The atmosphere was cool,
and the people's stares felt like icicles piercing right through

my conscience.


The word kept repeating itself in my mind
over and over

With every step,
it came knocking
f o r c e f u l l y
against my reason.

Once again,

I was trapped inside

my own memory.

"Hey, listen-"

Heavy breathing,

my eyes against the sky,

the blinding camera flashlights,

they accompanied my every step.


I cursed that day mentally.

Chapter 24:

That day,
it didn't rain at all.

the sun shone radiantly.

'She must've been happy.'

I wanted to scream
and break everything around me
to pieces.

Distorted images of the crowd
and overlapping voices brought back the image of
hours ago.


Reporters flocked all around me
provoking perceptions
I dearly struggled to bury.

Their questions,
they all revolved around the same

what how why

that I also wanted to know
but had no means to.

"Hey, did you even hear what I said?"
The officer elbowed me.

"It's better you keep your mouth shut.
So just don't say anything."


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