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Chapter 45:

A whirlwind of emotions filled my mind, and questions shot from the darkest insides of my brain.

...just what was she doing there?

...why did I even go there that day?

...just how did everything flow so quickly?

Three basic questions beset my memories, forcing me to go back to that one moment when it all began.

And there I was,

once again,

watching the girl bid her last goodbyes

to me.

Chapter 46:

"We'll take you in for one more quick examination." The nurse announced. "Don't worry. It won't take long."

I left the ambulance on my own two feet
and found myself gazing at the concrete building that rose in front of me.

A hospital...

When was it even that I last visited one?

I shook my head at the painful recollection
from not too long ago, and then...

We stepped inside.

Chapter 47:

I quickly found myself sitting in a chair, inside a room with white walls and blue vertical curtains.

The door opened and an old man with a crooked nose made his way inside. He watched me from behind the thick frame of his glasses, quickly scanning me from head to toe.

"Let's see...

Mr. Inoue, correct?"

I gave a slight nod as I watched him sit down behind his desk.

"How are you feeling now?

Anything troubling you?

Any sort of pain?"

I swiftly shook my head. But the action was too quick and dizziness hit me once more.

"Hmm... alright then. I assume you already know why you're here now. So I won't bore you with that. This will mostly be a routine check." He paused. "Let's see... from what I understand, you were under a lot of stress recently, right? From this report, I'm guessing that was the main reason for you passing out. Have you ever fainted before? Or rather, are you aware of any preexisting condition that would lead to this?"

I paused for a moment, and then lightly said "no". Why did I lie?

For a couple of minutes, 
the doctor went on, asking simple questions, requesting simple answers, quickly taking notes of my rookie answers. 

"So what was it, more exactly, that you think caused...



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