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Chapter 30:

The grey silhouettes of the buildings passed me by quickly.
The entire journey was mostly quiet and no one spoke a word for a while.

I wondered what would happen after reaching the destination
but at the same time, I was horrified
because I knew my position all too well.

"...the main suspect, a man in his 20s, was last seen at the scene just a few minutes ago. Questioned on the facts, he refused to offer any details..."

The radio host commented, suddenly breaking the silence.

"Man, these reporters,"
the officer sighed and changed the channel.
"Don't they have anything better to do?"

For a moment,
I felt relieved.

It seemed as if the man empathized with me.

Chapter 31:

"Hey," he focused his eyes on the rearview mirror, following my expressions. "Are you okay back there?"

"Ah..., yeah."

"Just make sure to tell us everything in detail, as we get to the station, alright?"

I was drained of all my energy.

And I had no courage to say anything

All I wanted was for this whole thing to end.

Chapter 32:

No one said anything anymore for the rest of the journey
and the radio was the only one to create a distraction
for our tired minds.

We were stuck in traffic,
in an orange afternoon.

It was hot and suffocating.

The sun burned through the rooftops, and the rays reflected in the asphalt, distorting every image that we saw.

I was tired

and my head hurt.

With a heavy mind, I looked outside the window, directing my eyes towards the sideline, where the pedestrians were waiting for the green light.

My heart sunk on the spot.

My heart sunk on the spot

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