4 - Old friend

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The week passed by rather quickly, despite the thought of Luke waiting for me plaguing me, and the knowledge of Percy coming back simultaneously replaying in my head.

I still didn't quite understand exactly what I'd done to provoke Luke- to make him want to hurt me. What did I do? Then again, human logic had never made a lot of sense to me. Perhaps I should just learn to accept that.

I managed a smile at the thought of Percy's arrival today, or more like tomorrow, as it would be about 3 a.m when we could officially reunite.

I'd be waiting at the airport to surprise him. God... how was I supposed to greet him? A big sign? A hug? A mental breakdown ultimately leading to an existential crisis, along with death? I wasn't entirely sure. My mother Pyle surely wouldn't take notice of my disappearance, and she sure as hell wouldn't drive me, we weren't that close after all. No, I'd say I was staying over at some friend's house. Perhaps Piper. Otherwise, my family as a whole wouldn't take note of my disappearance.

   "Hey!" I blinked at the sound.
It was just Piper. I took in my surroundings again.

Right. I'm in the school corridor. Not the airport. Oops.

   "Want to hang after school?" She looked at me expectantly for a solid minute, simply studying my questioning expression before dramatically snapping her fingers, exclaiming, "Oh wait. Right, you're going to see your boyfriend."

I smacked her lightly on the arm. She pouted, rubbing the spot on her arm I'd hit her.

   "Feigning pain now, are you?" I mocked.

She rolled her eyes at me. "Oh shut it."

I snickered, and in mass contrast, a downcast look flashed across Piper's face.

   "Hey, what's wrong?" I grabbed her arm, stopping her abruptly.

   "Nothing. Let's just get to class, yeah?"

I frowned. "We have English. Mrs. Blush can wait."

Piper nodded, looking down with a sad look on her face.

   "Okay, you're scaring me. What's wrong?"

Images of what might be the personified versions of worry, doubt and anxiety gutted through my overworking brain, meaning I almost missed what she said next.

   "It's just... Annie. You're in near constant pain. You don't deserve this, and -"

I sighed angrily, turning to leave.

"- no! Don't walk away from me. Annabeth, I meant every word. I- I just want you to be safe. You're my best friend, for heaven's sake!" She paused, looking almost regretful.

I gnawed at my lower lip, not entirely sure what to feel. She'd never sounded so hurt before, whenever she declared her unwavering worry for me. Now, for a change, it worried me slightly.

She reached out to touch my cheek, her face remaining calm to try and convey a relaxed outlook, but her rigid posture gave it away. She was so hesitant with every move; dubious and cautious. I flinched when her cold fingers reached my warm cheek.

   "How do you- how do you do it?"
She whispered, pulling her fingers back down, noting my discomfort. I swallowed drily, feeling vaguely guilty for making her feel as though she had to analyze moments with me to avoid me snapping at her. Yet she stuck with me. I was so grateful to have a friend as amazing as Piper.
It almost made up for having Luke in my life. Almost.

After leaving her words hanging in the air for a moment, I spoke up.

   "Pipes. I don't want you worrying about me. I'm fine, really. And- umm- Percy's arriving tonight. Maybe things will be different when he comes back to school. And before you ask, no. I'm not telling him about Luke. He's starting school in two long weeks. I'll have figured it out by then."
Piper took a moment to glare at me skeptically, before dropping the "tough-exterior-look", pulling me into a hug.
   "And just so you know-"
I added, pausing to take a breath.
   "Percy is not my boyfriend."
We both giggled, momentarily distracted- forgetting about the slightly sorrowful conversation we'd just had.

When Time Eludes You (Percabeth)Where stories live. Discover now