24 - Stolen... Thoughts?

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Percy's POV

As I briskly walked out of Nico's apartment, holding Annabeth's freezing hand, I thought about school.

Would I be able to protect Annabeth?
Would Clarisse come after her?
Would we both end up running away again?

Annabeth trusted me just as much as I trusted her, leaving me to the conclusion that I needed to protect her, no matter what.

Though it may not be for the best, Annabeth deserved to at least know how I feel about her.

I quickly planned a little scenario in my head, then heard footsteps trail after us.
I nearly face palmed realizing that Will, of course, had to come with us due to the fact that we were in fact going to stay over at his place.

Instead of making a fool of myself I quickly grinned at Will and kept walking, this time following Will.

As it turned out, Will lived in the apartment right next to Nico's- which benefited both me, and Will.
I'd be able to see my mom everyday, if we kept up with this arrangement.

I took a quick shower, changed, then walked out to find Annabeth sprawled on the guest bed, staring at a computer.
It seemed to be the cynosure of her attention, as she didn't even glance up at me when I flopped down next to her.

   "Hey," I told her. She didn't budge.
   "Hello?" I whined.
   "Wise Girl. Annie. Annabeth. Bookworm. Hello? Anyone?" I continued.

She finally glanced up, giving me a skeptical look.
I asked, "What are you doing?"
   "It's called escapism," she answered.
   "What?" I asked, sinking further into the comfortable mattress.
   "You see," she said mockingly, "Escapism is... a form of hiding from reality. You get yourself lost in a virtual- or fictional- world, or universe to hide from the truth. It's-"
   "I know what it means!" I grumbled into a pillow, then proceeded to
say, "But why? What are you trying to hide from?"
   "From reality, Seaweed Brain. From school. From everything."
She closed the computer, shutting off the only light source in the room.

For some reason the dark seemed to calm us both down, or at least I assumed so from hearing her slow, peaceful breathing.
   "I know Annie. But we have to deal with it eventually, right?"
I heard her shuffle lightly, probably squirming uncomfortably.

   "Yes," she agreed reluctantly, "But I don't want to. Not now..." she continued. I detected a twinge of sadness in her voice.
   "Why not just get it over with?" I shifted so my arms wrapped around her, sending a warm, familiar feeling surging through my body, zigzagging from the bottom of my toes, all the way up to my chest.

   "O- okay. I guess," she finally replied, sounding a lot more genuine than I would have expected.
I pursed my lips, hugging her tighter.

   "I know it's a little rushed, but when... when do you think we could go back to school?"
She didn't reply for a long moment, then said questioningly, "Three weeks?"
I closed my eyes, if only to blink the drowsiness away from my heavy eyelids.
   "Two," I replied.

I felt her sit up, escaping from my warm embrace.
I sat up as well, cross legged, staring straight ahead. I could just barely make out her silhouette from the weak street light leaking into the room from the small window.

   "That's good." I said almost incoherently.
   "Good," she echoed.
A memory resurfaced my brain from a book Annabeth had made me read in Stockholm.

She'd chosen it specifically from the twenty three books in her suitcase, and I couldn't help but try to read it. It was a kind gesture. She'd shared something she showed a great deal of love for- a great deal of passion, and she deserved to have it recognized.

   "Maybe that can be our 'always'." I quoted The Fault in our Stars.
I grinned stupidly through the dark, not caring if she didn't see me.
   "I'd like that." She said happily. I could practically hear her smile.
I wondered if she could hear my smile.

   "I'd like that too." I whispered, leaning forward slowly, my hand reaching up, finding her chin.

My lips brushed against hers, sending butterflies reeling inside me, scattering my mind till I was quite literally a blubbering mess.

   "Percy," Annabeth whispered against my lips.
I smiled.
   "Nothing," she pulled away for a second, "I just like saying your name."

Just as I proceeded to deepen the kiss the lights switched on.
   "Hey why is it so dark in he- oh."
Will stood at the door opening, grinning wildly at us.
We pulled away, both of us glaring at him intensely till he realized his mistake and took a step back.
   "Right. Sorry," he laughed nervously.
   "Just wait till my Nico here's about this." He said as a final statement then skipped out of the room, turning the lights off in the process.

The sudden darkness blinded me, but I gazed through it as if though I could see Annabeth.
   "Well, it's not as romantic now, is it?" I said, laughing breathily.
She laughed loudly, shuffling close to me.

I hugged her closely and lay myself down.
I kissed her forehead and gazed at the window.
   "Percy?" She whispered.
   "Still enjoy saying my name?" I answered her.
She hugged my tighter, groaning into my chest.
   "Well yeah, but I need to say something before you go into a coma again."
I chuckled.
   "You mean to tell me that I sleep like the dead?" I asked.
I felt her nod against my chest again, then breathe in deeply.
   "I need to tell you, Seaweed Brain."
   "Well you're persistent, Wise Girl, so go right ahead."
She groaned again, hitting my arm playfully.
   "Let me tell you." She said.
   "Okay. Shoot." I replied.
She leaned towards my ear, then whispered joyfully, "I think I'm in love with you, Seaweed Brain."
I froze, but there was no time to doubt my decision.
Without hesitation I whispered back, "And I think I love you too, Annie."

Hello!!! Okay I suck at writing why didn't anyone tell me? *cringe*
Tack! Merci! Thanks!

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