17 - Revenge

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Clarisses POV

It might seem really unbelievable, but I just want to make one thing clear.

I am aware.

I am fully aware of everything going on, and just how vengeful one can get because of one silly event.
But the event wasn't silly.

Annabeth put my sister in a freaking coma.
A coma.

I can't have a conversation with my own sister, much less have her squeeze my hand back when I hold it.

Annabeth ruined my life.
And I may be aware that hurting her won't resolve anything, but I don't care anymore.

I don't give a-
"Hey Clarisse."
I looked up, channelling the hatred into my eyes but avoided showing the pain.

You show pain, your lame.

I stumbled on my words as I finally registered who stood before me.

Percy freaking Jackson.

"What are you doing here?"
I asked, the gears clicking at an efficient speed in my head.
A plan, perhaps?

"Nice to see you too, Clarisse."
He mumbled.
Annabeth cowered behind him, clutching his arm.
I rolled my eyes and sighed, trying to sound as exasperated as possibly could.

"What's the wimp doing behind you?"
He raised an eyebrow but didn't look back at her.
Instead he bore his eyes into me.

"What happened Clarisse? Why did you... we used to be friends. And now... you're just, different."
He said, obviously trying hard to find the right words to sputter out like fish.

"Well different is good. You should try it sometime you know. And-"
The idea was finished, but it required the one thing I'd learned to forget.
"Actually... I'm sorry. I feel really bad about everything. Maybe we can... try again?
I say, 'nervously' biting my lower lip.

Percy looked appalled.
Guess Annabeth told him the worst...
"Why would I ever forgive you? You're a stranger to me, Clarisse. How... never mind. I'm done here."

He grabbed Annabeth's arm and storms off.

I'd get close to him though.
And then I'd finally get my own revenge.

I'd hurt what's most important to Annabeth, just like she did to me.

Annabeths POV

I should have just kidnapped Percy and left the school.
And New York.
And move to space.
Yes, that sounded great.

I already knew what Clarisse was planning.
I was smart enough to do so, why should I deny it?

Clarisse was going to hurt Percy.
Mentally or physically, I don't know.
Maybe both.
She'd go for me if she wanted to hurt him mentally.
Or perhaps she'd just beat him up, and thats letting him go easily.

I didn't want to look like a victim, I had to prove that I wasn't, to both Percy and the school.
I was though.

A victim.

I didn't want to be that anymore.
No more, I told myself.

No more.

I let go of Percy and walked him to my class.
He hadn't been in my class, but Sally- being the wonderful person she is- had literally phoned the school, asking them to change his class because of "friend issues".

I loved Sally, she really was more than a mother to me.
But that would technically mean Percy's my brother which means that- never mind. Lets not go down that road.

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