6 - Safe

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I've really got to work on better chapter names... sry... alsooo, one week time-skip!

Annabeth's POV

The next day, I woke up in Percy's arms, feeling safer than I had for months. I snuggled into his arms, just to make sure he wouldn't disappear. Last night had been an emotional rollercoaster, to say the least. I didn't like having to lie to someone I valued as much as Percy, but it was for his sake so I'd have to survive somehow.

   "I love you." I whispered before I had a chance to stop myself.
I held my breath as I waited for Percy to react, already imagining the confusion written all over his face, his eyebrows weaved tightly together, his lips thinning into a barely visible white line. But he never did. His eyes were still shut, his breathing steady. He was asleep. Thank God, I thought. Ha, imagine all the assuming he'd start making if he'd heard me.
As much as I wanted to lay in his embrace for the rest of time, I slowly wriggled out of his grip, grabbing my phone, scrunching up my face to yawn. Stupid move. My face stretched out the weak bruise on my face, the one you could only really see if you spent an eternity glaring at me, the one the bastard Luke marked on my face. I groaned, making it clear that to the world that I did not appreciate the feeling.

Shhh, I told myself.

But as I turned to look at the over grown child lying sprawled on top of the slightly tampered with blankets, Percy's eyes pealed open, and he started looking around, clearly confused. He wasn't called Seaweed brain for nothing.

I quickly looked at my phone before he caught my staring. Id received a text about twenty minutes earlier. It was nine thirty after all, and apparently, my family had gone out early for breakfast.
Without me.
I shook it off.
   "Good morning Sleeping Beauty."
I said, clearing my voice.

   "Well, you don't exactly sound energetic, either."
He mumbled as he fell back onto the bed, flopping down like a pancake.

   "No, but I'm not lazy."
I whispered. He must have frowned through the pillow as he didn't reply.
Or he fell asleep again. The former, however, sounded more possible. Ugh, what is it with Percy and sleep? I fell back into the soft mattress, sighing deeply.
I heard Percy say through the pillow.
I rolled my eyes at his stupidity, whilst pushing him over the bed. He landed on the wooden floorboards with a loud thump.
I grinned widely at his expense.
"You deserved it."
"Just for your information, I was complimenting you, not throwing out the pizza!"
I frowned.
"How on Earth do you remember the pizza?"
He raised his eyebrows.
"I have a brain, you know. One often nicknames 'Seaweed', but hey, it's still there. Besides, how could I ever forget that? You were so pissed off."
I laughed this time. He seemed almost relieved to hear me laugh. The story behind the pizza... well, what can I say?
He threw out the pizza without my full consent. That pretty much sums it all up.
I scrunched up my nose. I missed this Percy. Not the Percy having to save me from a certain individual named Ethan.
This week had been crazy. I bet Percy thought so too. I got up, drawing the curtains back to gaze at the wondrous skyline you could see from my room, especially in the morning.
Instead, I was greeted by rain. And thunder.
How had I not heard it before?
"Chilly weather then, is it?"
I jumped as Percy hugged me from behind. I hadn't noticed him coming up behind me, either.
   "Percy! You scared the sh-"
Percy covered my mouth with his hands, still standing behind me.
   "Wise folk don't speak foul words, Annie. Don't make me change your name."
I huffed, pretending to have trouble breathing through his hands, and he released.
   "Don't tell me what to do."
I mumbled. I heard him snicker to himself.
   "If you say so."
I scowled. This was wasting precious time you could use for useful things like, I don't know: studying?
   "Perce. I have to study, and so do you. Can you come back tonight, maybe?"
He spun me around smiling, his touch feather light.
Weird how he hadn't mentioned anything about last night.
   "Anything for you, Wise Girl."
I smiled. We didn't speak as he freshened up.
When he was done, we made our way down the stairs, skipping like little kids.
   "Umm... do you want something to eat before you go?"
   "Nah, I'll get something when I get home."
   "Anything to drink?"
   "No, uh... actually, sure, why not?"
I laughed a little.
   "Wow, Seaweed brain."
I pulled him into the kitchen, grabbing a glass as I went.
He pulled himself up on the counter whilst I filled the glass with water.
As I turned back to face him, I saw him munching on a cookie.
He must have stole one from the plate on the counter.
I rolled my eyes at him.
   "Here you go."
He quickly gulped down the water I'd handed to him, then stumbled towards the door.
I muttered. He must have heard me as he frowned. He muttered something back to me, so naturally, I leaned in to better hear him.
   "Huh? What was that?"
We stood awkwardly at the door with the blinding white colour of the walls bouncing into our eyes.
   "I said you.. hmm, hhmmphht."
I rolled my eyes again.
He frowned.
   "I said your hhmmmphhtt."
I sighed.
   "Oh my God Percy. What?"
   "I said your cute when you insult me!"
I laughed awkwardly.
   "Right. Sure you did..."
I quickly moved my lips to him, pecking him on his cheek, just for good measure.
   "Uh nmpphh, bye."
He mumbled, as blush quickly rose to his cheeks. He looked like a ripe cherry.
I pushed him out of the apartment, slamming the door shut.

Why did I do that?!

Now he's definitely going to hate me, or at least be weirded out.
Uh oh.
I slowly slid down the door, covering my face with my hands.
I was such an idiot.

Thanks for reading.
I know what your thinking, finally! Percabeth's coming togethhaaaaa!

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