27 - But it Will Work

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Nico's POV

After ten minutes of time wasting consoling and blabbering, Annabeth finally managed to drag Percy to the nearest cafe- which happened to be the one we'd been in a little while back.

"No, no, no guys. My mom- she's in there- with Gabe- don't you understand? We've got to do something right now. Like, right now!" Percy sputtered, leaving us with a few confused looks from neighboring tables.
Annabeth took his hand in hers, trying to look him in the eye, but he was as unfocused as a caged guinea pig.

"Look, Percy," I said, "We're going to get her out, but she has to come through with the plan. Whatever she meant by-"
"It didn't work," Percy broke in.
"Yeah that, she didn't mean the plan. I'm sure she can handle it. If-"
Percy lay his head down on the table with a loud groan.
"If what?" He said, his voice muffled.

I crossed my arms. Sure, I'd also be worried out of my mind if my mother was currently cooped up in an apartment with a pug nosed man, but Percy had to get it together.

"Listen, Percy. It's not going to benefit anyone if you're like... like this."
I gestured to him, sounding more than a little exasperated.
After a moment with no reply, I said, "Oh my God Percy, fine. I'll call her, and you can listen and see for your self that she's totally fine."
I dialed her number, and when someone answered, Percy immediately perked up.
I put the phone in speaker mode and listened.

"Mom?" Percy said.
"Yes honey?" Sally's voice replied.
"Mom! You gave me a heart attack! What did you mean by 'it didn't work'? Are you alright? Do you need us to come get you?"
I heard Sally sigh through the phone.
"No, Percy I'm alright. You don't have to worry. I thought something went wrong, which it didn't, so it's fine. Just be at the ready, I think I'll get everything done by... just give me an other hour."
Percy nodded.
"Okay mom. Be careful." He waited for her to hang up the phone.

"Now what?" Annabeth said.
"We wait." I said gravely.


Sally's POV

I'd said an hour, but now it looked more like ten minutes. The plan was so simple yet so deadly.

Gabe walked into the kitchen, promptly making his way over to the stove to make his weird taco-mix.
It was the only meal I'd pretended never to know how to make, and now, it finally came to use.

As fast as Gabe tried to shake the oil before pouring it into the sauce pan, the already unscrewed lid flew off, letting oil fly across the room wildly.
As predicted, most of it landed on Gabe's arm and clothes.
I smiled a little.

He cursed violently before trying to wipe it off with a cloth I'd already soaked in oil too.
With his oily hands, he didn't notice.

Not before cursing the oil a little more, he proceeded to continue making the taco-mix.

And finally, the moment of truth arrived.

He grabbed the exploding- prank lighter Percy had somehow gotten his hands on when he was eleven, (funny I still had that around) and put it just below the stove.

He put the gas on, flipped the lighter's switch and- BOOM.

The fire flickered, sending sparks flying.
The flames quickly engulfed his hole hand and reached his shirt unnaturally fast.

By this point I was already half way through the house.
Little did I know Gabe was right behind me.

With his least burnt hand he grabbed my arm.
He was still on fire, and I felt the hot flames lick me, taunting me.

You can't get away...

"Gabe! Let go of me you a-"
I crashed into the door, abruptly pausing my ability to speak.
"Woman, you-"
I fumbled with a picture frame hanging on the wall next to the door until I finally wrapped my hand around it.

I slammed the frame into Gabes head, causing him to crumple to the floor in a confused daze.

"Percy!" I shouted to no one.
Right. Phone.
I pulled it out to of my pocket and called him.
"I- I've done it. He's not coming back." I said.
"We're on our way." He said, hanging up at the last word. I stood frozen for an other second, listening to the fire crackling. It seemed to be laughing at me as it ate at all the old memories still stored in this apartment. I shrugged and turned.

Whilst rushing down the stairwell, I called 911, alerting them about a 'strange fire' in apartment E3.

As promised, Will's car stood parked just outside, ready for me to hop in.
And so I did.

The car pulled out of the drive way before I'd had a chance to properly close the door, resulting in me scowling at Percy and Will.

Percy shot me a worried glance.
"You okay mom?" He looked at my slightly burnt arm.
"I- I'm fine. Gabe... he... he-"
"I know mom. It's okay. It's all going to be fine." He said from the front seat.

To my surprise, Annabeth leaned over, hugging me tightly, yet carefully.

No one was going to take away my family.
No one.

I'd be strong for Percy, Annabeth, Will and Nico.
I may not have known these kids- besides Percy- for all that long, but they'd helped me more than I could ever put to words. I could never repay them.

But I could try, right?

I'd be strong for them. They'd be here for me.

I cut my hair! Yes! I'm so happy! Gods, I'm so tired I wanna die ugh...
Tack! Merci! Thanks!

When Time Eludes You (Percabeth)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara