12 - Mystery of A Mirror

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Sally's POV

The girl staying past midnight at our apartment every weekend for months on end.
The girl who was so full of joy and practically shone with the will to live.
The girl I practically considered as my own daughter.
The girl now lying motionless in the hospital bed.
I stood completely frozen as I watched the nurse panic and shout something out to the hall.
I should help. I should run and get someone.
But this was Annabeth.
What if... what if something happened to her?
Suddenly my motherly instincts took control of me, and I grabbed Percy's shoulders, along with Pipers hand.
I slowly walked out of the room with them, and not a moment too soon.
Just as I stepped out with the two Percy went crazy.
And there was nothing I could do.
   "Sa- save her! Pl-please! Annie!"

It broke me more and more by every second that passed as Percy lay on the floor screaming.
No one could get near enough to stop him from thrashing on the floor, begging them to save Annabeth.
I bent down when he'd finally stopped moving quite so violently.
But he was still grabbing the thin air with his hands.

"Honey... Percy can you here me? Listen. Everything's going to be okay. Do you understand? Percy?"
His eyes were squeezed shut, as if he couldn't bare to see the the truth, as if it would hit him so suddenly he'd die.
His mouth went from being shut in a tight line, to opening into a strangled cry for help. Not for him though. For Annabeth. There were so many tears.
On his face, on his shirt, on the floor.
His face was contorted in pain. He couldn't take it. Neither could I.
I shot up, realising I couldn't do any good for Percy. He was in too much pain.
I closed my eyes, taking a shaky breath.
What could I do? When I finally calmed myself enough to look at Percy again, Piper was knelt next to his shivering body. But he wasn't thrashing any longer. He seemed more aware of what was going on. Piper muttered words of encouragement in his ears, tears staining her shirt as well.

I stared in awe at her.
Her best friend was now on the brink of a permanent coma, but she still kept calm and managed to help Percy.
Tears stung my eyes.
So much was going on. How could I possibly process it all?
Percy was still on the floor, silently crying. His face was red from the pain edged into his desperate cries. A crowd of people- nurses and patients- crowded around.

His helpless pleas cracked my heart a little more. I wondered what was going on in the room a couple metres away from where I stood.
Was Annabeth going to die?
Why hadn't anyone come to visit besides us?
Did she really think she deserved this?
And most of all, why had she lost the will to live?


Pipers POV

As fast as Sally had stood up, too stunned to do anything about her son, I knew I had to do something.
A blanket of fear lay over Percy, shielding him from my voice.

He kept sobbing.
"Percy. It's Piper. Calm down. Listen to my voice, okay? Listen to me. Percy..."
He paused for a moment, as if he heard me.
"Percy, everything is going to be fine. Maybe not now. Maybe not tomorrow. But we can make it through this together. Come on Percy. Listen to my voice."
I spoke soothingly, hoping he'd react better to it.
He did.
He stopped screaming for help.

He started shivering violently, tears still surging down his already wet face.
I continued whispering in his ear, saying that everything would be fine.
But I reminded him that it would take a while.
It seemed to calm him slightly.
Maybe all he needed was the truth, although I really had no clue how'd I'd tell him. The doctors didn't even know how the bruising on her stomach had gotten there, but I'd bet my money on Clarisse having something to do with it.
Annabeth was on death's doorstep, and in all honesty, I was hoping for the best to such an extent that I'd be willing to sell my own soul in exchange for hers.

Hello. I'll update soon. Don't worry.
Sorry it's been sort of long...
Anyway, Thank you! Merci! Thank you!

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