13 - Make it or Fake it?

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Pipers POV

Was she going to make it?
That was the big question.
The ultimate one.
She'd made it through the night again.
But just barely.
She stopped breathing at one point, and Percy almost flipped out completely again.
But I got him to stop.
Speaking of Percy, he's also getting worse.
He's refusing to eat. Barely drinking anything, and used to sit beside Annabeth without speaking.

Not that I was any less worried about Annabeth than Percy, but honestly... in a situation like this at least one person needs to keep it together.
Apparently it had to be me this time.

I remembered the sad look in her eyes as she grabbed the drugs.
She hadn't even looked us in the eye as she said what might have been her last words.
I'm sorry.
So simple, yet so exotic it was hard to understand.
Not I love you or goodbye or even I'll be in a better place.
I'm sorry.
I stroked Percy's head as he lay in my lap back at his house, contemplating what I'd tell him.

I'd practically had to kidnap him to get him here.
I was sure he'd be mad when he woke up.
But at least he was asleep.

I heard footsteps echo through the hallway.
Sally was in the kitchen, then.

A minute later she tiptoed into Percy's room, with a plate of sandwiches and a bowl of salad.

My usual favourite.
She placed them on his fluffy covers and gave me a quick smile, but worry lines were clearly visible around her eyes.

I barely had the energy to smile back at her, but still tried my best.
I mouthed thanks.
She shook her head, as if saying no problem.

I sighed through my nose as I took a bite of my salad, but not quite chewing it.
Should I wake Percy?
He should eat, but he also needed sleep...
I'd just make him eat when he woke up, I decided at last.

I placed my salad down on the floor, not quite hungry anymore.
It had been my idea to leave the hospital, but I was regretting it by every second that slowly ticked by.
What if something happened and we weren't there?
What if we couldn't say goodbye?
What if-
There we go again with the 'what ifs?'
God... I really need to sleep.
Like right now.
My eyelids were slowly closing, the creeping light seeping into the room slowly fading.
I took Percy's warm hand and finally fell into a much needed sleep.


Percy's POV

I woke up to the sound of shuffling, and a very, very naive part of me silently hoped it was Annabeth.
It wasn't.
   "Good morning pipes."
Her eyes flew open.
   "Your awake!"
She exclaimed.
I didn't have the energy- nor did I want to- make a joke about her reaction.
So I didn't say anything.
Instead I just nodded.
   "Any news on... Annabeth?"
I said glumly, once again finding myself hoping that she was okay.

She frowned and grabbed her phone.
"Nope. Oh, and your drooling."
I quickly whipped my chin, only to find that she was right.
I half whispered as I pulled the warm covers over my head.
Annabeth had once told me the same thing, when I'd accidentally fallen asleep whilst Watching a movie with her.
She'd woken me up, but I just fell asleep again.
I mean, what could she expect?
It was three or something!
The memory warmed my stomach a bit, sending tired butterflies skimming the space inside me.

But... but... what if she died?
It'd be my fault, and I don't think I could live with myself then.
For I had only recently come to the realisation that I, Percy Jackson, was in love with Annabeth Chase.


Pipers POV
An hour after we'd woken up, we were already on our way towards the hospital.

Sally, Percy and I stepped through the automatic doors, and to much of everyone's surprise, the doctors said Annabeth had woken up.
She'd been unconscious, or rather in a kind of coma, for a days.
We could finally talk to her.
We stood outside her room, mentally preparing ourselves to see her.
"Let's go."
I said at last.
Just then a doctor stepped out of her room, silently closing the door behind him.
"Are you here to see Annabeth Chase?"
We all nodded sadly.
"One at a time please."
He said, showing no trace remorse of any kind.
I didn't nod at him. If he's rude to me, I can just as well be rude to him.
"You can go first."
I told Percy, but he shook his head.
"No, you go first. I- I don't know if I could-"
"Okay Perce."
I opened the doors, finding a very pale Annabeth lying in her bed, staring out the window towards the clouds, towards her freedom.
"Hey Annie..."
She didn't reply.

She didn't even look at me.
Tears stung my eyes.
Did she not care about me?
I scolded myself.
Of course she cared.
But she was also traumatised.
I couldn't simply jump to conclusions.
"Can... can you here me?"
She continued to stare out the window.
Guess she didn't want to talk to me.
"Annie. Listen-"
I said as I sat down next to her, taking her unmoving hand.
"-I'm here for you. Okay? You... I understand if you don't want to talk, but I'm here for you. Just- just remember that."
My voice cracked as I spoke and I knew tears would soon be staining my cheeks.
So I quickly stood and ran out.
She didn't need tears and pain right now.
She needed love, and I for one, could clearly not give it to her.

"Your turn."
I said to Percy as I stumbled past him, careful not to show my pain stricken expression I'd found that I wore quite often.
"Oh- okay."
I heard him say.


Percy's POV

I blinked rapidly to stop the tears from coming down, but they were already there.
I took her hand as I sat down, careful not to scare her.

I started.
"Wise Girl."
I corrected myself.

"I know you might not hear this. I- the doctors don't really know if your really there or not but... your my best friend, and I will never give up hope for you. And... and-"
She squeezed my hand slightly, but still stared out the window.
"I know your probably super angry with me-"
My nose started running and I sounded like I was full on crying, which in a way, I guess I was.
"Because I didn't find you in school. And I know I've told you like a thousand times, but I'd do anything for you. Anything. Please Annabeth. I need you in my life, and before you give up, I need you to know something."
A tear rolled down her cheek, and her chin started vibrating like she was going to break down.
I squeezed her hand again.
"Wise Girl... I love you."
She sobbed loudly, a heartbreaking sound, and hugged the thin sheets on top of her.
I pulled her into a hug, leaving me in an uncomfortable position, but I didn't care.
All I needed was Annabeth.
My Annabeth.
"I love you too."
I heard her whisper in my ear, her hoarse voice making it barely audible.

"Please don't leave me Percy. Promise you won't leave me."
She sobbed.
How could she think I'd ever leave her?
"I swear it on the river Styx."
She nodded approvingly into my shoulder, then slowly stopped crying.
She had fallen asleep. And so had I.

Helloooooo! Thanks for so many reads!
I thought I wouldn't even hit 50!
Thank you, once again, and.. yeah that's it. Thank you! Merci! Tack!

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