28 - It Never Really Ends

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Percy's POV

Recently, it has been uncovered that Gabe Ugliano, an unemployed middle-aged man has sadly passed away in a fire that broke out in an apartment. Sally Jackson, his supposed wife has been located and questioned. So far, she has been found innocent of starting the fire, and all evidence is starting to point to an accident-
I switched the TV off again. She wasn't found guilty, that's all that really mattered here.
At least no one else got hurt. But Gabe was gone and it had been my idea to eliminate him.
Hopefully we could live a relatively normal life from now on. Hopefully.
There wasn't much you could do in this kind of a situation.

Just as I was about to sink even further into my train wreck of a mind, Annabeth opened the door.
She looked amazing, I must say.
Her curly blonde hair was pulled up in a loose bun, her eyes complementing her grey t-shirt.
With a start I realized that t-shirt was in fact mine.

"What is this treachery?" I asked her. She smiled goofily.
"Sorry- I wasn't looking when I picked it out. Now what was it doing in my wardrobe?" She answered.
"Fine, fine. You win," I laughed, pulling her close.
I kissed her gently, causing sparks of excitement to course through my veins.

Just then, Nico happened to walk in.
"Hey Annabeth- oh..." he stopped dead in his tracks, awkwardly holding a hand up, staring at us.
"Hey Nico." I said, pulling away.
"You want something... err, specific?" Annabeth asked, probably just as disappointed at ending our little moment so soon as I was.
"Umm... I was going to ask you about the Will thing... I- I can come back later." He tried to make a run for it, but I pulled him back, gripping his shirt.
I quickly let him go and he slumped down much like a puppy with a tight leash.
"What Will thing?" I asked.
Nico stood up, glowering at me, then grumbled something under his breath.
"What?" I asked jokingly.

Annabeth nudged me, letting me know that I should probably shut up.
Nico shook his head, rubbing his temples.
   "Okay whatever." I said quickly, but Nico just frowned at me.
   "You know what? I really doubt you'll ever get over the 'I'm not your type' thing, so why don't I just lay it out, to make it clear for you, eh? Okay: I. Like. Will. Get over it." He then turned to stomp out of the room, and this time I let him.

I turned, staring at Annabeth with my jaw hanging open.
   "Oh get over yourself." She voiced.
I stuttered over and over again till I finally got out my message.
   "But Will likes Nico!"
This time, Annabeth stared at me, she then proceeded to grin widely.
   "Oh my god that's great! We have to get them together somehow. Maybe if we get Will to think..."
whilst Annabeth kept arguing about a strategy to get them together (mostly with herself), I walked to the door, slowly pushing it open.

I didn't think it possible, but my jaw fell open a little further.
   "Annabeth." I whispered.
   "What?" She said a little loud.
I put my finger to my lips, shushing her.
She snuck up next to me, carefully tip toeing.

We peeked out of the room, and of course, the most impossible scene had sprung to life in Will's living room.
A countless amount of students from Annabeths previous high school stood there, all having a good time, supposedly waiting for a star guest.

I visibly gulped. I looked over to Annabeth and saw that she had paled.
   "Oh my god... they're not here for... for us are they?" She asked quietly.
   "I think they are..." I said.

Just a little hint at what will happen, Sorry I haven't had any devices for so, so long so I haven't been able to update :/


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