14 - Home Sweet Home...?

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Sally's POV

We were finally home.
All of us.
And I still had not told Percy about Gabe...
I'd met him a couple days ago
at a restaurant, when I'd just found out about Annabeth.

He was nice enough, and now that the money was slowly but surely decreasing, I... well, I don't want to say that he's my backup... but, he pretty much is.
Maybe we were moving a little too quickly, but he was planning on moving in next week.
You only live once, right?

Anyway, Percy was Annabeth new personal guard.
He didn't leave her side once, and Piper barely did, either.
Annabeth seems so timid, and fragile.
She wasn't herself, but I was planning on changing that.

I walked in with a tray of my infamous blue cookies, and I made sure they were just gooey in the middle, just the way Percy liked.
"Eat up!"
I exclaimed as I set the tray on the bed, where Percy- being my son- nearly knocked it off the bed.
I feigned an angry look, and he looked down, embarrassed.
"Oh my God Percy. You are such a Seaweed Brain!"
Annabeth said between giggles.
She was actually laughing at something.
Not much of an improvement, but at least it was a start.
"Of course he's clumsy! He's my son!"
Annabeth continued to giggle, then smiled widely.
I shook my head in exasperation.
"Good God, Percy. I'll leave you two alone."

I walked out closing the door, but not before I caught a glimpse of a glum expression plastered on Annabeth's face.

I'd worry about Gabe later.
For now, I had to take care of Percy's best friend, and my not-so-biological-daughter.


Annabeths POV

I sighed as Sally left.
Maybe the giggles were just a mask, but it didn't feel like they were.
More like they were defeated by the stronger army, which in this case, happened to be my memory.

I'd already thought about jumping out the window over three times.
I'm not proud of it, but that's just how I work, I guess.
But I'd made a promise to Percy, and I was not going to break his heart.

Maybe I couldn't accept that anyone loved me besides Percy, but that was enough right now.

"Hello? Annie? Your doing it again."
I snapped my attention to Percy again.
"I- right. Sorry. I'm just tired..."
He looked at me, raising his eyebrows.
"I beg to differ."
I crinkled my nose at his remark.
"Excuse me? Why on Earth would you disagree with me?"
"Because, my dear Wise Girl, you slept for fourteen hours! If your tired, there's something seriously wrong..."
I rolled my eyes at him, ruffling his hair, which only messed it up more.
"Ow! What was that for?"
I winked at him.
"I like watching you struggle."
And with that, I simply stood up and trotted of towards the bathroom to take a long, soothing shower.


Percy's POV

Baby steps.
We needed to take baby steps.
She'd already tried to jump out of my freaking window.
I love her.
I need her...

I sat down on the comfy couch and turned the TV on.

I'd found my moms cell phone on the counter whilst making blue pancakes (yum), and 'accidentally' saw a text message from Gaeb or Gabe.
I'm not sure. The dyslexia sort of trapped me again.

But he wanted to come over to pack or something.
I didn't even know who this guy was.
He must have had the wrong number.
What else could-
"Hey honey."
I seemed to jump six feet as my mom came in.
"Oh hey mom. What's up?"
I decided not to ask about 'Gaeb- Gabe'.
I'd give her a chance to tell me.
"Sweetie, I wanted to tell you that... umm, I met someone. Who I also really like."
She sat down on the sofa next to me.
I turned the TV volume down.

"Wow mom. That's amazing!" I exclaimed. I really was exited if she'd really met someone. She deserved it, and had for a very long time.

"I- oh. You're...? Well I guess I am too. I'll go make some cookies to celebrate!" She gave me a quick hug and went skipping into the kitchen, happy at last.

I smiled to myself as I heard feet shuffle lightly into the room.

I saw Annabeth standing there with soaking hair, my t-shirt and very, very large pants.

"You stole my shirt again!"
I protested as she sat down next to me and I wrapped my arms around her.

"I sure did, Seaweed Brain." She muttered dreamily, then closed her eyes, sighing lightly.

I know this is super short but I just feel like I haven't posted anything for so long...

And thank you sooooo much for all the views!!!

Also, PLEASE check out Sarakstories and LindahMartn it would mean A LOT!!!

Thank you! Merci! Tack!

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