15 - Percy, I am your father

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Percy's POV

I scooted my chair closer to the table, rattling the plate with my brownie that sat waiting for me.
Annabeth sat quietly next to me, looking around curiously, assessing the buildings, I'd guess.
Gabe was already half an hour late, and I must admit, it annoyed me a bit.
First time I get to meet my so called 'step-dad' and he's late.
My mom gave me an apologetic look. I just smiled, glancing back at Annabeth.

It had been only three days since she left the hospital, and I'd really hoped to be able to tell her how much I liked her, but it was too soon, right?
"I'll just run to the bathroom real quick."
My mom said just as I took a bite of my brownie.
I mumbled.
She smiled and walked into the café.
"Seaweed Brain, you've got crumbs all over you."
Annabeth stated, staring at me.
I look down and realised that she was quite right.
I felt crumbs sticking to my face too.
How romantic.
"Let me just..."
Annabeth said as she caught me by surprise, grabbing a napkin and dabbing it on my face.
"Your so stupid."
She said as both our faces heated up a bit.
"I know."
I said as I balanced the chair on only one of its legs.
"Your going to fall."
I heard her say sceptically.
As always, she was right.
I tipped over, but she caught my hand, pulling me up in the last mili-second before I managed to embarrass myself.

She was hunched over me, her nose only centimetres away from touching mine.
"What did I literally just say."
She said as I smiled smugly, wiggling my eyebrows at her.
She rolled her eyes as she tried to stop a smile from tugging at her lips.

I cleared my throat, indicating that we were still in a very awkward position and the whole Café was probably watching by now.

Blush rose to her cheeks, as she leaned forward to stand properly.
Me being the Seaweed Brain I am, leaned in at the same time, meeting her lips.
I almost fainted.
Oh my God I'm such and idiot oh my God save me please I'm too young to die HELP ME.

To my surprise, Annabeth didn't resist.
It was magical, unreal, full on amazing, till someone just had to kill the mood.
"What the- you filthy teenagers! Stop smooching in a public area. Scram!"
So much for it being magical.

We quickly broke apart, tripping over our chairs, instantly sitting on our butts.
Thankfully though, we landed on our well placed chairs. Not that that was any help. They were practically made of iron.

Before us stood a middle aged man, with premature greying hair, a permanent scowl on his face, and a big belly.

Instead of bringing out my inner demigod, and slashing his head off for ruining my perfect moment, I politely asked,
"Er, who exactly are you?"
He snorted disgustedly, still standing over me as I sat very still on the chair.
   "None of your business kid. You seen a pretty lady with some kid around here?"
He asked with no interest in me whatsoever.
He then narrowed his eyes as if reality just hit him.
We were the only 'kids' around, but this 'lady' was missing.
   "You know Sal?"
He asked suspiciously.
   "It's actually Sally, and yes, I do know her. She's my mother."
His small eyes darted between Annabeth and I, as if deciding whether or not we were worth engaging in conversation with.
He then pulled a chair to our table and sat down.
   "I'm Gabe. You must be... err... Perry?"
My statistically new step
dad- and he couldn't remember my name?
I corrected him, then proceeded to say, "And this is Annabeth."
I gestured to Annabeth that waved uncomfortably at Gabe.

Gabe cleared his throat, then stared at me.
   "Listen here, kid. If your going to live in my house, you've got to learn the rules. Rule number one; no smooching with girls."
He looked around quickly, probably making sure that my mom wasn't close by, then leaned over the table, intertwining his hands.
   "Second; I'm in charge. You listen to me now. And don't forget, any spare change, its mine-"
   "Oh hello dear! I see you've already met Percy. Sorry by the way, I was just at the bathroom."
Gabe smiled at my mom, as if he hadn't just been threatening her son.
I looked at Annabeth to see if I'd missed anything, but she looked just as baffled as me.

The rest of the meeting consisted of mostly small talk, along with a couple death glares shot from Gabe, which gave me the chills.

   "So I guess I won't be seeing much of you, Anne- whatever."
Gabe said, looking at Annabeth with a sort of evil in his eyes.
   "Actually," I said before she had a time to even open her mouth, "She's been staying with us for a while now, and will for a while longer so yes, you will in fact be seeing a lot of her."
I didn't mean to make it sound quite as creepy as it did, but... too late to back out now.
Gabe Ugliano- as I'd learned his second name was, suits him well- stared daggers into me.
I gulped.
I did not approve of this guy.

This was going to be an emotional rollercoaster for us all.

Thanks for reading!
Once again, I felt like I wasn't writing enough again... been really busy, sorry!!!
Thank you! Merci! Tack!

When Time Eludes You (Percabeth)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora