21 (pilots lmao) - A Familiar Face

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Annabeths POV

Perhaps running out of a perfectly safe apartment wasn't the best of ideas.
I walked aimlessly down the road, contemplating whether or not I should just call a cab and go home- to get it over with.
But home wasn't really home anymore.

Percy was my literal home.

A home is supposed to keep you safe, and provide a sense of security. Something no one can breach.
I felt safe with Percy. I felt at home.

I deliberately stepped into a puddle as I thought about life in general.
School would be ending soon. I wondered what I'd missed.
I'd wanted to get out of there. Get out of my life. Escapism was barely an option at that point. Reading, writing, even sleeping hadn't helped.
And now I regretted it. A lot.
Not only had I altered my future- especially my career- but I'd probably managed to trash Percy's as well.

Going from a straight A student to refusing to step foot on school property... well. It could turn out to be somewhat of a problem.

And the people I'd decided to leave behind in my sudden decision to get out of the country... I was a horrible person. And as much as my family was too, I couldn't simply deny that I was practically raised by these people.
And Piper... gods. She was probably excelling in most her subjects by now.
I'd made her swear to me that if I ever ditched her- leaving her with nothing to do except, perhaps, studying- she would do better in school. Or at least try.
I missed her. My best friend. The person strong enough to put up with my drama. The one willing to stand up for me. I really was a horrible person.

I passed a relatively new cafe I'd used to like and I made a split second decision to run in, just to grab a quick coffee.
But no, fait had other plans for me.
In the far corner of the poorly lit room sat a familiar face, whom also happened to catch me staring.
Now, I don't despise Nico. I don't even dislike him but anyone, and I mean anyone, from school can easily be- or turn into- a threat.

He waved halfheartedly at him, and because I'm that girl I immediately felt obliged to say hi.

I walk up to him and gingerly sat down in the chair farthest away from him. I did not want to make this situation awkward.

Please dear God or whatever rules over the cosmos and universes- don't make me a laughing stock right now, okay? I'm not feeling it. Thanks.

   "Hey... Nico. How's, you know, school going?" I said, quietly drumming my fingers on the table in an irritating manner.
   "Same old, same old." He replied quickly, yet quite distractedly as he was practically studying every inch of my face- in particular my eyes.
I readjusted a stray strand of hair hanging loosely over my face, if only to notify him I was fully aware of the fact that he was staring at me.
   "So where have you been for the past... weeks? No. Months." He asked, looking just about ready to pass out from boredom. His eyes and use of tone suggested otherwise.
My cheeks flushed at the thought of trying to explain my current situation to an almost complete stranger.

Yeah, I ran away with my best friend whom I am also secretly in love with and we decided, on pure impulse, to fly to Stockholm and just hang out and do nothing until we had to go back because my gorgeous/beautiful/kind/amazing/cute boy- friend found out his mom was being abused so I'm now not-so-patiently waiting for a call from him so I can come over whilst he consoles his mom- oh and I have nowhere to go because my family hates me and I totally return the feelings and I've completely flunked school and my only other friend probably hates me now for leaving her and I just realized I can't order coffee because I don't have any money and-

  "I've been... Away." I said at last, drumming my fingers faster on the table.
   "Away, eh? Where'd you go?"
I gulped.
I'd already told myself I'd tell whoever asked the truth so it could actually spread throughout the school, all in an attempt to teach them that Annabeth Chase doesn't give a dam about what anyone else thinks of her.
Ditch school, ultimately leading to dropping my grades to an instant F? Sure.
Fly to another freaking continent and barely making it past security in the airport twice?
Sure. Totally fine.

I took a deep breath and looked at Nico skeptically. He seemed like a smart guy. If he was more brains, less 'frolicking around with unicorns and creating rainbows' he might understand the importance of making sure everyone knows of my supposed trip.

   "I went to Stockholm." I said fast, as if afraid my brain would change its mind.
   "You what?" He asked, surprising me as his voice presented itself an octave higher.
    "You mean in Sweden?" He said, not letting me continue, "Located in Europe, located on a different continent?" He asked rather incredulously.
I nodded, trying not to smile smugly at him. I doubted anyone had ever managed to get him that surprised before. Besides that Will boy, perhaps.
   "And Percy Jackson accompanied me as well."
His eyes grew wide.
   "And I'm currently at a cafe with no money, waiting to get a call so I might have a place to go to, with an actual roof." I gestured to the window, where a light drizzle now seemed to be the main attraction to look at outside.
Not that there was much to look at, though.

   "How on Earth am I supposed to respond to that?" He asked me, leaning back in his seat, looking defeated.
   "You could start with buying me a coffee?" I suggested.
He snorted.
   "Chase... this is literally my first conversation with you, and you want me to buy you coffee?"
   "And a sandwich wouldn't be so bad."
I added.
He snorted again. I liked Nico. He seemed alright.

Just as I thought he'd crack a joke to ease into a more comfortable silence, he leaned onto the shaky table and said in a more hushed tone,
   "You do realize mine and Percy's family are close friends, right? I was over for dinner just four days ago. I think I know what's going on, okay? In fact, a blind man could just as easily figure it out." His expression didn't soften once, instead he seemed all serious, and I got the sudden urge to run for the door.

   "You mean with... with Sally?" I asked, a little unsure. I didn't want him to know about her. It would be easier if he didn't. But alas,
   "Yes of course. I didn't mean the total infestation of beer bottles. Or the stench a certain Gabe emits."
I looked down at my hands.

I suppose it wasn't weird that I'd run into Nico at a popular cafe in the middle of New York, or that he conveniently knew about a certain situation that was now spiraling out of control.

But maybe, "Nico, did you follow me for the soul propose of discussing this?"
He smiled childishly.
   "How'd you know?" He asked sarcastically. 
I sighed, shaking my head slightly.

   "Your sneakier than I thought Neeks."
His nostrils flared at the mention of his nickname.
   "Hmph. I suppose your pretty smart then, Wise Girl."
He smiled evilly as I feigned a hurt look.
   "How dare you oppose me? Good heavens!" I shout in a weak attempt at humor.
   "Actually, I think we're both going to hell. At least after we do what I'm about to suggest."

Hello my lovelies! Cliffhanger eh? What will happen if I also say that what the suggestion is can be deciphered as mad?
Also I'm so sorry I've been updating slowly. I have no excuse (cough, drama, cough) really. Anyway, thanks for sticking around (how can you stand me?) and seriously I love you guys. Last, but not least, Percabeth shall appear in the next chapter (and the next chapter will also be super long I apologize in advance) so yeah. Pleaseeee *sobs* vote! And thank you for so many reads *grosser sobbing*
Merci! Tack! Thanks!

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