Saving Ziva.

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Tony parked his car and saw two men with a woman he knew straight away who it was he climed over the gate and went to run towards her as the men push her into the water he shoots the two men and jumps into the water and saves her as he got her out.

"Ziva"Tony says as she wasn't breathing he started CPR.
"Come on Ziva I can't loose you"Tony says as he then does mouth to mouth as she took a breath and coughs.
"Ziva"Tony says as she took her breath.

"Ziva,Tony"Mcgee says as he and Gibbs finally arrived.
"Are you ok"Gibbs asked.
"I am now"Ziva says she was shaking Gibbs gave her his jacket to warm her up as Tony helped her up and wrapped an arm around her protectively as they walk off.
"Let's get you checked by Ducky just to be sure" Gibbs says as she nods.

They head back and Tony wouldn't leave Ziva side as Ducky checks her.

"Ziva oh my are you ok"Abby says.
"Yeah thanks to Tony"Ziva says as Abby hugs her.
"Spare clothes of yours I think you left them at mine they were in my car"Abby says.
"Thank you"Ziva says with a smile.
"Hot chocolate"Mcgee says coming in.
"Thank Mcgee"Ziva says as she takes the drink and Abby and Mcgee leave.

"How is she Ducky"Tony asked.
"She has a concussion she can't be on her own for the next 24 hours just to be on the safe side"Ducky says.
"Ok but where?"Ziva asked.
"With me" Tony says with a smile she gave him a smile back.

"I'm fine Tony"Ziva says, she changed into fresh clothes as Ducky informs Gibbs.
"I know just with everything that happened today it made me realise something"Tony says.
"And what's that"Ziva says.
"Ani ohev orach" Tony says as Ziva smiles and looks round before placing her lips on to his.

"What did he say"Abby says her and Mcgee were spying.
"Something in Hebrew"Mcgee says.
"Yeah But what?"Abby asked.
"I don't know Abby I don't speak that language"Mcgee says.
"And your supposed to be the smartest out of most of us Mcgee"Abby says before walking off.

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