working during the holidays.

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Christmas was in 3 days and hope that nothing happens this year was an understatement.

Ziva and Tony walk into the bullpin.

"Hello merry almost Christmas"Abby says walking in.
"Thanks Abs you still up for Christmas day"Tony says.
"Absolutely thanks again for inviting me"Abby says.
"Always"Ziva says as Abby heads to the lab

"Hot chocolate"Mcgee says.
"Cheers Mcgeek"Tony says as they three take one as they went to take a sip.

"Grab your gear dead marine" Gibbs says.
"Everytime"Tony says as they grab their stuff and follow Gibbs to the elevator.

"Tony, Ziva pictures, Mcgee evidence go"Gibbs says as Palmer and Ducky headed to the body.

After finishing everything they head back.

"I'll take the evidence to Abby"Tony says.
"Thanks DiNozzo lets et to work"Gibbs says.

"Here you go Abs just for you"Tony says.
"Ah thanks Tony just what I wanted"Abby says back sarcastically.
"Didn't we all"Tony says back as she smiles.

"So what did you busy Ziva for Christmas"Abby asked.
"Non of your business"Tony says.
"Oh come on just a hint"Abby says.
"Something that I hope will show her how much she means to me"Tony says "before you ask no its not an engagement ring"Tony says.
"Ok then now I have to think about what you got why I also go through this amazing box of evidence"Abby says.
"Yep have fun Abs"Tony says and leaves.

Everyone stayed that night which meant it was Christmas eve.

"Finally we have something"Tony says.
"What?"Gibbs, Ziva and Mcgee ask.
"Boltimore PD just sent me something the man killed James Goodwin was arrested when he was 17 for man stature he came out when he was 25 and put everything behind him"Tony says.
"Who did he kill"Gibbs asked.

"A man named Jacob Evens he was 16 aswell he lived here in DC same as James his dad was a marine so him his older brother and mother lived here also they had a fight outside school and he hit his head pretty hard which caused him obviously to die"Tony says.
"So this might have been revenge"Mcgee says.
"After all this time though"Ziva says.

"Great work let's see if the Evans family still live here in DC"Gibbs says as they continue.

"Hey"Abby says.
"Abby"Everyone says.
"I bought Christmas cookies"Abby says.
"You bought them"Tony says.
"Yeah I don't have time for baking"Abby says as they laugh and take one each.

"Thank you"The three say as she heads to Autopsy.

After hours of investigating they found it was Jacob Evans older cousin who killed the marine they went to catch him.

"NCIS" Mcgee says when they saw somebody espcape from the back.
"Not on my watch"Tony says running after him when he tackles him.
"Freeze"Tony says pointing the gun at him as everyone came over and takes him.

Gibbs and Tony did the interigating why everyone else finished the paperwork.

"Its lucky we bought our stuff huh"Abby says.
"Yeah like you knew this would happen"Ziva says as they go to watch the same film they do every christmas eve with Mcgee, Palmer and Ducky already there.

"Ready"Ziva says.
"Waiting for Gibbs and Tony"Mcgee says few minutes later they head down.
"Ready"Abby asked.
"Yep"Gibbs says as they take their seats and watch the film.

After the film.

"I'll meet you guys in a minute"Tony tells Abby, Mcgee and Ziva.
"Ok will be waiting"Ziva says as they walk off and follows and stops.

"Hey boss"Tony says.
"Yes DiNozzo"Gibbs says.
"Theres room and plenty of food and beer at my place if you wanna join"Tony says as Gibbs smiles and nods as he follows Tony as they all head to Tony's apartment to celebrate Christmas together.

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