Interigating Ms David.

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Tony and Gibbs looked.
"You want her"Tony asked and Gibbs nods asked as Tony nods and walks out and stands beside Ziva as he ordered everyone else to leave as it was just him and Ziva watching Gibbs interigator her mother. Gibbs looks over to the woman standing in the corner

"Take a seat"Gibbs says.
"I'm fine,Why am i here"Ziva mother asked.
"Name is it still David"Gibbs asked.
"Yes i never got around to changing it"She says.
"Well Ms David you were spotted at your daughter apartment building the same night a fire happened"Gibbs asked.

"Fire is Ziva ok"Ms David asked as she finally sat down.
"Luckily she was knowwhere near the scene"Gibbs tells her.
"Why she here she works for her father"Ms David says.
"She left she works here now with us and she is a great agent"Gibbs says.

"Why was you at Ziva apartment building"Gibbs asked.
"Visitng my daughter she was not in"Ms David says.
"According to Ziva you haven't spoken to her since Tali death"Gibbs tells her
"How do you know about Tali"Ms David says.
"Ziva told me"Gibbs says.

"You close my daughter Agent Gibbs"Ms David asked.
"Yeah i think very fondly of her"Gibbs says.

"Why was you at Ziva apartment"Gibbs asked.
"I don't know"She tells him.
"You don't know what kind of answer is that"Gibbs asked her.

"Look your daughter could have been in that building extermly hurt or even worse now tell me why the hell you were there"Gibbs asked more harsher than he was.
"I was told my boss to go there i did not know who apartment it was if i knew it was Ziva's i would never of went close to it"She admits.

"Your boss"Gibbs asked.
"Yes he wantes revenge on somebody and said to get the daughter i guess it was something her father did"She tells him.

"What kind of mother are you first you just don't stay in touch with her after loosing one of your children that should have made you too closer not drift apart"Gibbs tells her.
"She could have done something aswell"She tells him.
"Your her mother your supposed to be there no matter what you should have been there for her you let your ex husband train your daughter to kill for a living"Gibbs told her.

"You have no idea you don't have children do you"she says.
" had a daughter just like you iwould do anything to spend one more day with her again and watch her grow into the woman she would of become but i can't but you can your daughter is still here"Gibbs says as he stood up.

"Now before i leave who the hell is your boss"Gibbs asked.
"His name is Mr Butler"She tells him.
"Thank you,now stay here why i get an co worker to deal with you"Gibbs says as he walks out.

"Tony your with me get Mcgee to stay with Ms David"Gibbs says.
"What do want me to do Gibbs"Ziva asked.
"Stay with Abby until i get back"Gibbs says as Ziva nods.

After a very long 48 hours they finally got the man who tried to hurt Ziva because of her dad Ziva was now at the bullpen with Tony and Gibbs when Mcgee walks out with Ziva mother.
"She was just leaving"Mcgee says as Gibbs nods.

"Ziva is that you"her mother asked seeing her Tony nods to let Mcgee know it was ok.
"Yes ima"Ziva says.
"More beautiful than i remember"She says.

"You look after my daughter"She tells Tony.
"I will don't you worry"Tony tells her as Ziva gave him a smile.

"I'm sorry Ziva"She tells her as she whiseprs words in hebrew in her ear before Mcgee helps her out.

"You ok"Tony asked as Ziva nods hugging him.
"Can we go home"Ziva asked.
"Of course"Tony says.

"Night Gibbs"Ziva says.
"Goodnight Ziva"Gibbs says as she goes over and hugs him.
"Thank you"Ziva whispers before she and Tony leave the building.

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