Telling Gibbs.

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Monday and Ziva had her first appointment and Tony insisted he'd go with her and they'd head to work after which is what they did.

"This is actually happening"Tony says.
"Yeah"Ziva says they were now in the car Ziva have the scan photos in her hand.
"A little Dinozzo can you believe it"Ziva says though this wasnt planned everyday she got more excited espeically now Tony knew and was sticking with her.
"I know we better head to work"Tony says as they head to the navy yard.

"You two are late"Bishop says.
"Thanks for that Bishop"Tony says.
"Everything ok"Mcgee says.
"Yeah everything is fine"Ziva says as they took their seats.

"You two why you late"Gibbs asked.
"Eh i had a doctors appointment and Tony insisted he'd come with me"Ziva says.
"Right im guessing everything is ok"Gibbs says.
"Yeah Gibbs shes fine"Tony says.
"Great your right on time just got a call dead navy officer at the harbour"Gibbs says as they grab there stuff.

"Be careful"Tony tells her.
"I'll be fine its only for today will tell Gibbs later"Ziva says.
"Ok"Tony says as they walk into the eleavtor.

They get to the crime scene and Tony and Ziva go talk to the witness why Bishop and Mcgee do the evidence and photos why Gibbs went to see what Ducky knows so far.

"So you didnt see what happened"Ziva asked.
"No we drove past and saw the car the way it was and saw him inside"The woman says.
"Did you know him"Tony asked.
"No but my girlfriend here insisted we stopped so we did and thats how we found him"The man says.
"Ok thank you"Ziva says.

"The witnesses no nothing or know who the man was they say they saw the car in the ditched stopped to go help and already found him dead"Tony tells Gibbs.
"His name is William Cross hes a navy officer aboard a ship"Mcgee says showing ID.

They soon go back as Ziva, Tony and Ellie start finding information, Mcgee takes the evidence to Abby .

"What have you got"Gibbs asked.
"William Cross 34, Divorced no children"Tony says.
"He was aboard a navy ship and was about to return today"Ziva says.
"He has no criminal records on him or anything like that"Tony says.
"Right you two head to the ship find out what he was like onboard see if there might be any suspects"Gibbs says as he orders Bishop and then mcgee to do stuff aswell once they leave.

"NCIS, Speical agent Antony Dinozzo this is Agent Ziva David"Tony says.
"What do you want"The man asked.
"You shared this room with William Cross correcr"Ziva says.
"Did he didnt show up"The guy says.
"That might be because hes dead"Tony says.
"What, how"The man asked.
"Looks like Murder we dont know much yet"Tony says.
"Were you two close"Ziva asked.
"Yeah me and William go back were bestmates since Elementry school"The man says as they talk to him about what he might know.

"Boss"Tony says.
"Find anything"Gibbs asked.
"Yes his bestfriend said that William Divorce is still being finalized his soon to be ex wife wanted more money and more stuff that offered"Tony says.
"Makes her a lead suspect"Gibbs says.
"Yeah want us to"Ziva asked.
"No Ziva find more information about this guy i'll go, Dinozzo your with me"Gibbs says as Tony nods and follows.

They soon find it was his soon to be ex wife so she could get all of his stuff and she was done for murder.

" boss"Tony says walking down to his basement, Ziva behind him
"Yep"Gibbs says.
"New boat"Tony says.
"Yep"Gibbs says. "Anything i can help you two with"Gibbs says.
"Eh yeah actually"Ziva says looking down nervously staying on the steps.

"Gonna spill it out"Gibbs asked.
"Well you see we Ziva shes pregnant"Tony says.
"Eh huh"Gibbs says.
"And well we cant have a field agent pregnant wait eh huh you knew"Tony says.
"Oh yeah i knew you forgotten i went through the morning sickness stages with Shannon i can remember it like it was yesterday"Gibbs says.

"We wanted to wait till we knew everything"Ziva says.
"And"Gibbs says.
"I'm 8 weeks so far we had the first scan i thought we should well tell you"Ziva says.
"Ok well for now on Ziva you can no longer be a field agent"Gibbs says.
"So i have to give up the badge"Ziva says.
"I didnt say that you will just do desk work until close to your due date and when your ready to come back after the baby is born then you obviously can"Gibbs says.

"Your not disappointed"Tony asked.
"No Dinozzo i knew it was bound to happen sooner or later but i swear to god you hurt her now then i will wnd up killing you"Gibbs says.
"I wont boss"Tony says.
"Yeah i know you wont"Gibbs says as they head home.

"So tomorrow we tell Mcgee and Abby"Tony says.
"I guess we have to with me not coming with you and doing desk work"Ziva says.
"True"Tony says as they drive off.
"That wasnt as bad as i thought"Ziva says.
"Thank god"Tony says says as she smiles their lives were definetly changing.

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